No. 24.)
My calculation shows that the name of the month of this date was Dhanus. For this month the date corresponds to Wednesday, the leth December A.D. 1128, which was the 25th day of the month of Dhanus, and on which the 11th tithi of the dark half (of Mârgasirsha) ended 22 h. 1 m. after mean sunrise, while the nakshatra was Visakha, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 16 h. 25 m., and by the Brahma-siddhanta for 11 h. 50 m., after mean sunrise.
65.- In the Karavandiśvara temple at Udaiyarköyil. 1 [Sva]sti [6]r[1] [ilo] PA-mådu p[uņara] :::::::::: kos . .
pan[ma* Jr=åna Tir[i*]bu[va]na(cha][k]karavattiga! sri-Vik[kira*]ma-boladêvark[ku gân]du 1[5]åva[du Si]mha-nayarru apara-[pa]* . . . . . [m]
V[iyá]la-kkila[m]ai[yum pe]rra . . . . .! “In the 15th year of the reign) of king (Parakesari]varman alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Vikrama-Chôļadēva,- (on the day of] .. . .., which corresponded to a Thursday and to the . . . . . [tithi] of the second fortnight of the month of Simha." This date does not admit of verification.
88. - In the Vamanapurisvara temple at Tirumanikuli. 1 Svasti eri [ll] Puyal peruga .
. . . 3 .
k6-Pparakesariparmar=aga Tribha (bhu) vagasakra(va]ttiga! sriKulottunga-boladôverkku y[&]adu mu(ma) [n]távadu Simha-nayarru
apara-bha (pa)kshattu pañchamiyum Tingal-kilamaiya(yu)m perxa Advati-nál.
“In the third year of the reign) of king Parak@sprivarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Kulottunga-Chladeva,- on the day of Asvini, which corresponded to a Monday and to the fifth tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Simba."
A date of the month of Simha of the third year of Kulottunga-Cha III. would be expected to fall in A.D. 1180, and in my opinion this date undoubtedly corresponds to the 19th August A.D. 1180, which was the 16th day of the month of Simha, and on which the 5th tithi of the dark half of Sravana) ended 9 h. 34 m., while the nakshatra was Asvint for 3 h. 17 m., after mean sunrise. But the day was a Tuesday, not a Monday.
87. - In the Bhaktaparidhisvara temple at Gidangil.? i Svasti eri Coll KO-Pparak darivanmar-aga Tribhuvagachakravarttigaļ gri-Kulottunga
soladevarka 2 yaņda 3vadu Simha-ndyarru irubattelanudi[yadi]y=&pa Budap-kilamai perxa
“In the 3rd year of the reign) of king Parakesarivarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Kulôttunga-Ohôladeva, on the day of Asvini, which corresponded to a Wednesday which was the twenty-seventh solar day of the month of Simba."
1 The year A.D. 1118 would yield no satisfactory equivalent for this date. • No. 404 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1902. * Read -pakshattu; the tithi in lost.
• The nakshatra is lost. No. 165 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1903; Sow/h-Ind. Inser. Vol. III. No. 86.
• On Monday, the 11th Angust A.D. 1180, the 5th tithi of the dark hall commenced 8 li., and the nakalatra was Afvint from 8 h. 56 m., after mean sonrine.
1 No. 226 of the Government Epigrapbiat's collection for 1902.