No. 1.]
H.-Rajaraja III. Rajakesarivarman. (Between the 17th Maroh and the 13th August A.D. 1216.) No. 45 (Vol. VI. p. 281).-Year opposite to 16: Saturday, the 25th September A.D. 1232. No. 46 (Vol. VI. p. 282).-Year 17: Tuesday, the 18th January A.D. 1233. No. 47 (Vol. VI. p. 282).-Year 18: Tuesday, the 23rd August A.D. 1233. No. 48 (Vol. VI. p. 282).-Year 18: Wednesday, the 7th December A.D. 1233. No. 49 (Vol. VI. p. 283).-Year 18: Monday, the 2nd January A.D. 1234. No. 50 (Vol. VI. p. 283).-Year 19: probably Sunday, the 13th August A.D. 1234,3 No. 51 (Vol. VI. p. 284).-Year 22: Tuesday, the 16th March A.D. 1238. No. 52 (Vol. VI. p. 284).-Year opposite to 22: Monday, the 28th February A.D. 1239. No. 53 (Vol. VI. p. 284).-Year opposite to 22: Wednesday, the 2nd March A.D. 1239. No. 54 (Vol. VI. p. 285).-Year opposite to 22: Friday, the 4th March A.D. 1239.
To the above I may add that, between A.D. 1054 and 1069, the date of the fifth year (of the reign) of Virarajendra Rajakesarivarman, which occurs in South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. No. 30, is correct only for Monday, the 10th September A.D. 1067, and that therefore, if the date does fall within the sixteen years stated and has been correctly recorded, Virarajendra Rajakesarivarman must have commenced to reign between (approximately) the Ilth September A.D. 1062 and the 10th September A.D. 1003.
POSTSCRIPT. Date of the Chellûr plates of Kulottunga-Chôda II. In the text of these plates, published by Dr. Fleet with a photo-lithograph in Ind. Ant. Vol. XIV. p. 56 ff., the date, in lines 49-51, is given thus:
Śak-&bdânår pramâne rasa-visikka-viyach-chamdra-samkhya prayâte ... s-Ardrarkshê pürova-ma(pa)kshê vishuvati su-tith(thau)--
Le " when the measure of the Saka years had advanced to the number of the flavours (6). the arrows(5), the sky (0), and the moon (1),"-.e. in Saka-Samvat 1056 - . . . " at the equinox combined with the Ardra nakshatra, in the bright ball, on an excellent
In Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. p. 191, Dr. Fleet has shown that this date would be incorrect for Saka-Samvat 1056 current and expired, as well as for Saka-Samyat 1057 expired; and he has communicated a suggestion of Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit's, in accordance with which the date would correspond to the 24th March A.D. 1132, in Saka-Samvat 1055 current. But really the date would be incorrect even for Saka-Samvat 1055 current, because in this year also the equinox was not combined with the Ardra nakshatra.
In the twenty Saka years from 1047 to 1066 the date is correct only for Saka-Samvat 1065 expired. In this year the Mesha-vishuva-sankranti took place 16 h. 37 m. after mean sunrise
1 This surname occurs only in the date No. 45.
The latest date of this Bajaraja, known to me, is from the month of Karkataka of his 28th year which was current after the sake year 1165; see South-Ind. Iwer. Vol. I. No. 64. This date would shew that Rajaraja's reign conld not have commenoed after the last day of the month of Karkataka in A.D. 1216, 1.o. not later than the 27th July A.D. 1916.
In the original date either the sakshatra Uttirattadi (Uttara-Bhadrapada) has been wrongly quoted instead of Uttiram (Uttara-Phalguni), or the first fortnight instead of the second.
In the original date the 4th tithi has been wrongly quoted instead of the 14th.
The day was the 15th day of the month of Kanyl, and on it the 14th tithi of the dark ball (of the month Bhadrapada) ended 9 h. 21 m. after mest Funrise; the nakshatra wa Uttara-Phalgunf, by the Brahms-siddhanta for 81 h. 40 m. after mean sunrise, according to Garga the whole day, and by the equal space system from Oh. 89 m. after mean sunrise.