(L. 5.) The members of the assembly of Neņmali and the members of the assembly of Sirrinjúr have to measure sixty kalam of paddy by the périlamai.
(L. 6.) Having received these (sixty kalam), (which are equal to) seventy-five kalam by the kall of eight nali, and to six kalam and three kuruni per month,
. . twenty (?) pots
This Tamil inscription (No. 267 of 1902) is dated in the 24th year of the same king as the two preceding inscriptions (G. and H.) and records a gift of 24 lamps by the Vaidumbamahârâja Tiruvayap, the donor of G.
1 Svasti śri [1] Kapparadevark-iyându (nḍu) irubattu-nâlâvadu Malâṭṭu-Kkurukkaikûrrattu=
2 Ttirukkôval[ü]r-Ttiruv[i]ratṭṭânatt-ålvârkku Vaidumba-mahârâjar Tiruvayapar 3 Alvårkku [cha]ndrâdittaval tiru-vilakku 24kku vaitta âḍu sâvâ mu (mû) vâ-ppê4 r-âḍu iranḍâyirattu-munnûrru-nåligâlum nondâ-vilakku pan-Mahêévara-rakshai ||
Hail! Prosperity! In the twenty-fourth year of Kapparadeva, the Vaidumba-maharaja Tiruvayanar gave to the god of the Tiruviraṭṭanam (temple) at Tirukkôvalûr in Kurukkaikûrram, (a subdivision) of Malaḍu, two thousand three hundred and four undying (and) unaging big sheep for 24 sacred lamps (which shall burn) before the god as long as the moon and the sun shall last. The perpetual lamps (fed) by (the ghee prepared from the milk of these sheep are placed under) the protection of all Mâhêévaras.
This Tamil inscription (No. 239 of 1902) is dated in the 9th year of Rajarajakesari. varman, i.e. of the Chôla king Rajaraja I., and records the gift of a lamp by Amitravalli, (the daughter of) Kundanan and the mother of queen Lôkamahadevi. The same queen of Rajaraja I. is mentioned in inscriptions at Tanjore and Tiruvaiyâru.*
1 Svasti éri [1] Ka
Rajarajakesari vanma[r*]ku yâṇḍu
2 vadu Miljattu-Kkurukkai-kkûrrattu-[T] tirukkovalûr-Ttida (ru)3 vi(vi)raṭṭānam ude(dai)yar[k]ku nam-birâṭṭiyâr Ulogamahadeviyâ[rai]4 ttiru-vayiru-vâytta Kundanan [A] mittirava [1] li &l vårk
5 ku chamdrådittavat vaichcha nonda-vilakku ongu [1] tiravan[n]â[li*]6 gaiyar i-[v]vilakkal pon [k]ondu chandr[a]dittavala (lu)m vilak[k]=eri7 [p]pôm-Anom tiravaglig[i]-sabaytm [1] irandu
8 perra la-vilakku on [ru] [1] idu pan-Mâhêévara-rakshai ||
1 Kál is a shorter form of marakkál or karavi, a measure which consists of 8 neli and is equal to kalam; compare South-Ind. Insor. Vol. II. p. 48, note 5.
These pots were evidently required for the bathing of the god, which was the purpose of the grant according to 1. 2 of the inscription.
See above, p. 184, note 2.
South-Ind. Inser. Vol. II. pp. 90, 143, 148, 152, and 278, note 7; above, p. 25, note 8.
Read opbadávadu.
The secondary sign for i stands above tara of lavalam.