Perumânar, gave one hundred undying (and) unaging big sheep? for one perpetual lamp to (the god) Perumal of the Tiruvirațţânam (temple) at Tirukkôvalûr in Kurukkai-kûrram, (a subdivision) of Maladu. These (sheep are placed under) the protection of all Mabesvaras.
TRANSLATION OF F. Hail! Prosperity! In the 33rd year of king Parakesarivarman who took Madirai,the Malaiyapa-orraichchêvagar, the regiment of prince Arikulakésariyar, gave one hundred undying (and) anaging big sheep for one perpetual lamp, (which was) to burn as long as the moon and the sun shall last, to (the god) Mahaddva of the Tiruvirattanam (temple) at Tirukkôvalúr. These (sheep are placed under) the protection of all Mahêśvaras.
G.--INSCRIPTION OF KRISHNA III. This Tamil inscription (No. 268 of 1902) is dated in the 21st year of Kapnaradeva, i.e. of the Rashtrakůta king Krishọa III. It records a grant of land by the Vaidumba-maharaja Bandayan Tiruvayan and (his queen) Suttiradovi.
The Vaidumbas appear to have been local chiefs. One of them is stated to have been defeated by Parantaka 1.6 Sandayan Tiruvayan,' ... Tiruvayan, the son of Sandayan, has to be identified with Tiruvaiyan, the father of Samkaradeva who was a contemporary of Rajaraja 1.7 and who is called a Vaidumba in an inscription of Rajendra-Chola I.
The subjoined grant of Tiruvayaŋ is quoted, and the names and measurements of the fields are repeated, in an inscription of Rajaraja I. (No. 236 of 1902), which has been utilized for the translation of the present record.
TEXT. 1 Svasti eri [llo) Kapparadêvapk-iyându irubattonrâvada Malattu-Kkurukkai
kkürrattu Tirukkôvalûr-Ttiruvi(vi)raţtêpam-udaiya perumaņa2 digalukku Vaidumba-maharajar Sandayan Tiruvayan Tirukkovalûr sabhaiyâr
idai yan vilai-konda bhumi Unangalpundi3 yir-padu-nilam napgeyum paņseyum Bagavanda-kkalaņi irubattețţum Kaderu kala
Marattulân-vêli ettum Kaļarmádu ki(kl) liga 4 pattum mêlaņa irandu mêvum Kaliya-kkalani Korpadu ettu mâvum [1] ittapai
nilamum poŋ kuduttu irai ilichchi Alvar5 kkuettiruvamnda [i]rattikku nivandañ=jeydu kuduttên Tiruvayan-en 11°1
ivaiyixril Kadambanum=Uttiran-idai-Chchüttiradovi kon6 du kaduttaņa pattu-chcheruvum Uvachcha-kaļa [1] idu pan-MAhêsvarar irakshai ll
TRANSLATION (Line 1.) Hail! Prosperity! In the twenty-first year of Kapnaradêva,-- I, tho Vaidumba-maharaja Sandayap Tiruvayap, purchased from the members of the assembly of Tirukkôvalur (the following) wet land and dry land, situated in Unangalpundi- the
See above, p. 184, note 2.
* See above, p. 189, note 9. 1.. the unrivalled warriors of Malayalam.' This was perhaps a regiment of Nairs. • See above, p. 185 and note 3.
This name may correspond in Sanskrit either to Satradevi or to Sudradevi. • South-Ind. Ineer. Vol. II. p. 887, verse 9.
South-Ind. Ineer. Vol. III. p. 104. • Ibid. p. 108. For other references to the Vaidumbas see ibid. p. 106.
The i of di is expressed twice.