date wore Saturday, the date would correspond to Saturday, the 14th April A.D. 1128, when the 13th tithi of the bright half commenced 2 h. 33 m., and the nakshatra was Hasta, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 17 h. 44 m., and by the Brahma-siddhants for 14 h. 27 m., after mean sunrise. The earliest year of Vikrama-Chola's reiga, in which the date, as recorded, is quite correct, would be the i3th, for which the date would correspond to Sunday, the 12th April A.D. 1131, with the nakshatra Hasta.
D-KULOTTUITGA-CHOLA III. 60.-In the smanáthêśvara temple at Somangalam. . . .
.. . . Tribhuvanachohakravarttiga Tribhuvanachchakravarttiga!
Maduraiyum=[f]laman-good-arulina Sri Kulottunga-soladevarku yandu 14åvadu Magara-ngyarzu p[r]vva-pakshattu
Viyala-kkilamaiyum Pa[sa]mam prathamaiyum=&paveapru. "In the 14th year of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Kulôttunga-Chôļadeva who was pleased to take Madurai and flam-on a day which was Thursday, (the day of) Pushya, and the first tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Makara."
The wording of this date is intrinsically wrong, because during the month of Makara the moon can never be anywhere near the nakshatra Pushya on the first tithi of the first fortnight. The probability is that the first fortnight has been erroneously quoted instead of the second, and for the second fortnight the date is correct.
A date of the month of Makars of the 14th year of the king's reign will be expected to fall in December A.D. 1191 or in January A.D. 1192, and in my opinion this date actually corresponds to Thursday, the 2nd January A.D. 1192, which was the 8th day of the month of Makara, and on which the first tithi of the dark half of the month Pausha) ended 10 h. 12 m., and the nakshatra was Pushya, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 3 h. 56 m., and by the Brahma-siddhanta for 1 h. 58 m., after mean sunrise.
For convenience of reference I give below a list of all the dates of Chó!a kings examined in Vols. IV.-VII., with the exception only of the date of the 40th year of Parantaka I., No. 55, for which, as possible equivalents, I have given above Saturday, the 24th July A.D. 919, and Saturday, the 25th July A.D. 946. Under the name of each king, I state approximately the time when he must have commenced to reign.
A.- Rajarê ja I. R&jakosarivarman. (Between the 25th June and the 25th July A.D. 985.) No. 1 (Vol. IV. p. 66).-Year 7: the 26th September A.D. 991. No. 25 (Vol. V. p. 48).-Year 15: Tuesday, the 29th August A.D. 999. No. 37 (Vol. V. p. 197).-Year 15: Wednesday, the 15th May A.D. 1000.No. 2 (Vol. IV. p. 67).-Saka 929 (current). This date is incorrect. No. 3 (Vol. IV. p. 68).-Year 28, Saka 934. The date would correspond to the 23rd
December A.D. 1012, but contains no details for verification.
I No. 188 of the Government Epigraphiat's collection for 1901. • Or Kesarivarman.
See Vol. VI. p. 20. • In the original date the week-day is wrongly given us Thursday, instead of Wednesday.