(V. 34.) And when Afty (and) six and five hundred yours of the Saka kings also have gone by in the Kali age;
(V.35.) This stone mansion of Jinêndra, & mansion of every kind of greatness, has been caused to be built by the wise Raviklrti, who has obtained the highest favour of that Satyasraya whose rule is bounded by the three oceans.
(V. 36.) Of this enlogy and of this dwelling of the Jins revered in the three worlds, the wise Ravikirti himself is the author and also the founder.
(V. 37.) May that Ravikirti be victorious, who fall of discernment has need the abode of the Jina, firmly built of stone, for a new treatment of his theme,' and who thus by his poetic skill ha's attained to the fame of Kalid.&se and of Bhåravi 18
By F. KIELHORN, PA.D., LL.D., C.I.E.; GÖTTINGEN. Both these grants were discovered by Mr. B. L. Rice, C.I.E., Director of Archæological Researches in Mysore, and are edited here, with his kind permission, from ink-impressions made in 1892 by Dr. Fleet from the original plates, which Mr. Rice had been good enough to send to him for examination. Dr. Fleet has placed the impressions at my disposal, and has also supervised the preparation of the accompanying photo-lithographs.
The second year. These plates were obtained by Mr. Rice at Kudgere in the Shikârpar tåluka of the Shimoga district of Mysore, and were first publicly mentioned in his Report for 1890-1. A summary of their contents has been already given by Dr. Fleet, in his Dynasties, second ed., p. 290.
These are three copper-plates, the first and last of which are inscribed on one side only. and each of which measures about 6f broad by 3' high. The plates are quite smooth, their edges being neither fashioned thicker nor raised into rims. They are thin; but, the engraving being shallow, though otherwise quite good, the letters do not shew through on the reverse sides at all. The interiors of the letters, here and there, shew marks of the working of the engraver's tool. Various marks and faint lines on the margins and between the lines of writing, in my opinion, render it very probable that the plates originally bore another inscription. The ring on which the plates are strong seems to be of brass, not of copper; it is a plain one, about 16" thick and 21" in diameter. It had already been cut when the grant came into Dr. Fleet's hands. There is no seal, and no indication about the ring of one having ever been attached to it. The weight of the three plates is 13 oz., and of the ring, 1 oz.; total, 144 oz.-The writing is well preserved. The size of the letters is about " The characters are of the "box-headed' type of the southern alphabet, and in their general appearance, among Kadamba inscriptions,
Or the preceptor of the three worlds.'
• Vis the history of the Chalukyas - In the original verse observe the Yamakas at the ends of the first and second, and of the third and fourth Padas (jinandma and ravikiritih). The locative artha-vidhan is a good instance of s nimitta-saptams.
I purposely omit from my translation the line which follows in the original, and which is a later addition to the poem. The first part of it enumerates six villages, the revenues of which apparently were signed to the temple of Jinêndrs founded by Ravikirti. The concluding part of it, which speaks of boundaries, I do not understand.