63 भूमिच्छिद्रन्याय[न]चिन्द्राार्णवक्षितिसरित्यवतसमकालीनं पुत्रपौत्रान्वयभोग्यमुद
क[*]तिसमीण' सर्मद[] यो [निसृष्टः [1] यतो तयोः समुचितया
ब्रह्मदेयस्थित्या 64 भुञ्जतो[:"] वर्षतोः' कर्षयती: प्रदिशतो[स]" वा [न] कैश्चिद्यासेधे वर्तितव्य
[म][ग]ामिभप्रनृपतिभिरण्यस्मान जैरन्यैर्वा अनित्यान्चैखाण्यस्थिरं मा
नुषं सामान्यञ्च भूमिदानफलं. 65 मवगच्छनिरयमस्मदायोनुमन्तव्य परिपालयितव्यश्चेत्युक्तञ्च ॥ बहुभिबसुधा भुक्ता
राजभि[:"] सगरादिभिः [*] यस्य यस्य यद[*] भूमिदयस्य तस्य . तदा फलं [*] यानीह दारिद्रय[भ]याबरेन्ट्रैवनानि' ध66 यितनीकतानी [*] निभक्तमाल्यप्रतिमानि तानि को नाम माधुपु
नराददीत ॥ षष्टिं वर्षसहस्र[*]ण[t"] स्वमो" तष्टत भूमिद[: ।*] आच्छेत्ता चानुम()न्ता च तान्येव नरके वसेत् [॥*] दूतकोत्र राज
पुत्र[ध्रुव सेन[: *] 67 [लिखितमिदं सन्धिविग्रहाधिक्कतदिविरपतिथीस्कन्दभ[ट]पुत्रदिविरपतिथी
मदनहिलेनेति ॥ सं ३०. ५. फालाण" ब ३ [*] वहस्तो मम .
Br E. HOLTZSCH, PH.D. This inscription was first published by me five years ago in South-Indian Instriptions, Vol. I. page 76 f. It is now re-edited because my former edition contained some errors, and because it appeared desirable to issue a facsimile of this ancient record in the Epigraphia Indica.
The inscription is engraved on the rock below the summit of the Bavaji or Bhagavati bill near Vélappadi, & suburb of the town of Vélûr (Vellore) in the North Arcot district. It consists of eleven cramped and straggling lines in bold archaic characters. The alphabet in Tamil, interspersed with some Grantha letters (svasti fri, 1. 1 ; sva of Pannapésvara, 1. 4: dhå of dhárai, 1.6; tandrá of sandråditta, da and púrvua of udakapúruva, 1.7; dhanma rakshi and fri, 1. 9; and dhanma, 1. 10). The language is Tamil.
The inscription is dated in the twenty-sixth year of the reign of Kapparadêve. This name reminds of " Kanparadova, the conqueror of Kachchi (Conjeeveram) and Tañjai (Tanjore)," whom Mr. Venkayya has successfully identified with the Rashtrakuta king Krishna III. (A.D. 940 and 956). Though the Vêlûr inscription does not contain the distinguishing epithet Kachchiyun-Tañjaiyuri-konda, which Mr. Venkayya's two Tirukkalukkunram inscriptions
- Read 'सगर धर्म . • Read प्रदिशतीर्वा. T Read फल. 10 Read 'कतानि. HAbove, Vol. III. p. 282 11.
- Read यतस्तयो:SRead भद्र. • Read भूमिस्तख. 1 Read खमें विष्ठति.
- Read Fषती.. • Read . • Read धनानि. n Read फागुन.