Page 178, text line 2 f., for sanm[8]duran, read Sapmaduran. 178, line 3 of Translation, for "a worshipper of Shanmatura (Karttiköya)," read "a
servant of Sanmaduran." 179, line 10, for Perumânadigal, read Peramånadiga!.
footnote 2, for Ambûr, read Ambur, 185, line 8.-The 4th March A.D. 1058 was a Wednesday (not a Sunday). The true
equivalent of the original date is Sunday, 8th February A.D. 1058.-F. Kielhorn. , line 14 f. from below. 31100
The 3rd May A.D. 1038 also was a Wednesday (not a Sunday); it was the 12th of the dark half (not the 3rd of the bright balf); and the nakshatra was Rêvati (not Rohiņi). The original date is wrong for S. 960 current and expired, and also for S. 961 expired. It would correspond for 6. 960 current, to Friday, 20th May A.D. 1037; nakshatra Punarvası; for . 960 expired, to Wednesday, 10th May A.D. 1038; nakshatra Ardra or Panarvasu; and for S. 961 expired, to Sunday, 29th April A.D. 1039; nakshatra Ârdrå. The date works out correctly, if, as suggested by Mr. Kotikalapudi Nrisimha Siddhantin of Bobbili, we assume that the month of Vrishabha has been quoted erroneously instead of the month of Mésha. For, with this alteration, it would correspond to Sunday, the 9th April A.D. 1038, when the third tithi of the bright half commenced 14 h. 40 m., and when the nakshatra was Rôhiņi from about 14 h., and the lagna Dhanus from about 15 h., after mean sunrise. The date shows that the coronation ceremony
was performed late in the evening, after 9 P.M.-F. Kielhorn. 186, line 1 from below, for 3rd May, read 9th April. 200, footnote 1, line 2, for Kolabala, read Koldhala. 207, 11, for Ahavamalla, read Ahavamalla. 211, line 13, for Faunift read wirft. 225, 5 from below, for "gifts (?)," read"taxes." 233, , l, for वल्लभ read वनमः. 235, text line 57, for **: read ya..
237, footnote 3, for read #. » » »
. 12, read A 243, 2, line 2, for Phậgalpur, read Bhagalpur.
» 8, for Mågadh, read Magadhi. ,, 252, 5, line 3, read Narayanapala. 254,
4, , 3. For " Compare also "to the end of the note, read :- "In Pali the word pådamalika, a servant, attendant,' is of frequent ocourrence; see, e.g., Jataka, Vol. I. p. 122, 1. 4, and p. 438, 1. 11; Vol. II. p. 328, 1. 13, and p. 401, 1.3; Vol. III. p. 417, 1. 3; raja-padamdlika, ibid. Vol. V. p. 128, 1. 18; dovarika.
pådamúlik-adayo, ibid. Vol. I. p. 439, 1. 3."-F. Kielhorn. 268, text line 76, for nøya, read neya.- The same correction should be made in the
Chồla dates on pp. 67, 68, 69, 72, 216. 274, text line 57, read tato. , , footnote 7, read Ogfcu. , 279, line 6, for Våruņi, read Váruni.
289, 11, , withered, read are withered. 298, , 28, , low read ulolu. 311, 17, , J&piliya, read JApiliya.
4 from below.- In the Bombay Gazetteer, Vol. I. Part I. p. 471 ff., Mr. A.M.T. Jackson, I.C.S., has published (or given an account of) sixteen inscriptions at Bhinmal (Srimala), nine of which belong to, or mention, four of the chiefs,who are mentioned in the Jodhpur inscription of Rapadevi. Mr. Jackson's Nos. vii-ix of V. 1262, 1274 and 1305 are of the reign of a Maharajadhiraja Udayasinhadêva,