No. 7.]
D.- VIKRAMA-CHOLA. 10. Inscription in the Tyagaraja temple at Tiruvarur in the Tanjore district.! 1 Svasti &rf [ll] PA-målai midaindu ...... . 3........... ko=Ppara[k]@sarivarmmar=Ana Tribhuva[n]chakrava
[rttiga]! fri-Vikrama-Chô!a(dê]varkku [y]4[o]du sinjasvadu] Mi[thu]na-pâyaptu på[r]vva-pakahattu saptamiyum NA[yi][fu-kkilamaiyum Attamum=&na nå!
munnuru-nâ[pa]di[n]ál. "In the fifth year of the reign) of king Parakêsarivarman, alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Vikrama-Chôļadêva, . . . . . . . . . . on the three-hundred-and-fortieth day, which was the day of the nakshatra) Hasta, a Sunday, and the seventh tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Mithuna."
Among the sixteen years from A.D. 1110 to A.D. 1125 there are only two, for which this date would work out satisfactorily, A.D. 1113 Saka-Samvat 1035 expired) and A.D. 1116 (Saka-Samvat 1038 expired).
For Saka-Sarinvat 1035 expired the date would correspond to Sunday, the 22nd June A.D. 1113, which was the 29th day of the month of Mithuns (the solar Åshadha). On this day the 7th tithi of the bright half of the lunar Ashâdha ended 9h. 17m., and the moon was in the nakshatra Hasta, by the Brahma-siddhanta for 10h. 30m., and by the equal-space system for 13h. 47m. after mean sunrise. If this were the day of the date, the first day of the fifth year of the reign would be the 18th July A.D. 1112=the 23rd day of the month of Karkataka of Saka-Samvat 1034 expired; and the first day of the first year would be the 23rd of the month of Karkataka of Saka Samvat 1030 expired=Saturday, the 18th July A.D. 1108, which was Srdvana-fudi 9, and on which the moon was in Visakha for 5h. 16m. after mean sunrise, and afterwards in Anuradha.
For Saka-Samvat 1038 expired the date would correspond to Sunday, the 18th June A.D. 1116, which was the 25th day of the month of Mithuna. On this day the 7th tithi of the bright half ended 20h. 44m., and the moon entered the nakshatra Hasta, by the Brahmasiddhanta about 5h. 16m., and by the equal-space system 8h. 32m. after mean sunrise. If this were the day of the date, the first day of the fifth year of the reign would be the 15th July A.D. 1115=the 20th day of the month of Karkataka of Saka-Samvat 1037 expired ; and the first day of the first year would be the 20th of the month of Karkataka of Saka-Samvat 1033 expired=Saturday, the 15th July A.D. 1111, which was Sravana-tudi 7, and on which the moon was in Svati for 18h. 24m. after mean sunrise.
Of the two days, thas arrived at as perhaps possible days for the accession of VikramaChəla, the second, the 15th July A.D. 1111 (in Saka-Samvat 1033 expired), certainly comes nearest to the year (A.D. 1112) which has been hitherto regarded as the year of his accession. But, concerned as I am only with the dates before me, I must confess that Sunday, the 22nd June A. D. 1113 (which would make the king's accession fall on the 18th July A.D. 1108), on account of the manner in which it is joined with the nakshatra Hasta, appears to me to be a better equivalent of the original date than Sunday, the 18th June A.D. 1116. And whether the day of the accession be the 18th July A.D. 1108 or the 15th July A.D. 1111, it requires to be shown how either result can be reconciled with the fact that the three datos Nos. 7-9 of the reign of Kulottungar Chola I. fall in the year A.D. 1114.
1 From Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIII. p. 298.
• Mr. Dikshit, who also bus calculated this date, ibid. p. 299, given the 14th July; but this is clearly an error.