No. 50.]
(and) when he was governing the Nolambavadi thirty-two thousand, the Gangavadi ninety-six thousand, . . . . . . . . . . . ., the Bansvase twelvethousand, the Santaļige thousand, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , and everything) included up to the great river:
(L. 16)- Hail! On Thursday (coupled with) the fifth tithi of the bright fortnight of (the month) Phålguna of the Bhåva samvatsara, which was the 898th (year of) the centuries of years that have gone by from the time of the Saka king:
(L. 17)- When Bhujjabbarasi, the mother of Batayya, the grand-mother of Mârasinghadêva, the elder sister of Battayya and Singhavarmarasa and Ch[echcha]payya, was governing (the village of) Pattu.. Perbal of the . . . seventy in the Puligere district, the act of religion which she herself caused to be performed was this); she caused to be made the plinth of the temple (and) a large outlet (of) the tank. (And), to the temple of (the god) Bhujjabbôbvara, Nolamba-kul-Antakadēva allotted one hundred mattars of cultivable black-soil land, of the king's measure, (and) two mattars of rice-land, (and) two flower-gardens. Among these, (there were apportioned) fifty mattars of the cul. tivable land to the god, and, to the mata,' fifty mattars of the cultivable land, and the two mattars of rice-land, (with) six oil-mills (and) eight . . .. . . . . .. To the mata and the temple, equally, there were given) twelve sites for houses, with complete exemption from taxes. (And) the queen's Pergade, Kannayya, consenting to (this) act of religion, caused (it) to be carried out.
(L. 26)— Whosoever shall continne this act of religion in the time when he himself is governing, to him, indeed, belongs (the merit of this act of religion ! "This general bridge of piety of kings should at all times be preserved by you;" thus does Râmabhadra again and again make a request to all these future kings! He who protects this act of religion, is (as meritorious as) he who preserves seven crores of devotees, and (as many) tawny-coloured cows, at Banarasi ; whosoever destroys this, he shall incur the guilt of the five great sing of slaying seven crores of devotees, and (as many) tawny-coloured cows and Bråhmang, at Bånaråsi ! Whosoever confiscates land that has been given, whether by himself or by another, he is born as a worm in ordure for the duration of sixty thousand years!
(L. 34)- In the cultivable land allotted to the god, (there were apportioned) fourtoen mattars to the drummer, twenty mattars to the five harlots of the temple), six mattars to . . . . .. . . .. one mattar for the sacrificial vessel, two mattars to the horn-blower, (and) twelve mattars to the skilful Pollams who built the temple. Bûtagåvanda, and Rájayya, and Gullugayye, and Någavarmayya, and Kabbilayya,- these five village-headmen shall continue this act of religion; (and), from time to time, their lineage shall protect it like . . . . . . . . . . . . If any one destroys it, (even though he does not intentionally contemplate a sinful act, he will be exactly like) the destroyer of an act of religion of his own!
(L. 42)- Hail! To the holy Gokarnarabibhatára, who was endowed with self-control, the observance of restraint, the repetition of the scriptures to himself, meditation, immovable abstraction of the mind, and deep contemplation, Bhujjabbarasi and the Pergade Kannayya, having laved (his feet, gave this estate. Those who belong to the lineage of the succession of his disciples, and their successors, are entitled to this estate.
Here we have again the past participle, ifde.
• Mr. Rioo has identified the perdore or "great river" with the Krishna (Znaoriptions in the Mysore District, Part I. Introd. p. 19).
. Here we have again the past participle, ildu. • i... mafha,- the college attached to the temple.
The meaning of .. nderddwodtango (or yenduodduodtange), line 85, is not known. • The meaning of go(t)rilarasalanato (ar oori -rararseadete), kine 40, is not known.
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