Now everybody who will compare the results of my calonlations of the date will, I feel confident, admit that the fourth tithi has been erroneously quoted in the date instead of the fourteenth, and that the proper equivalent of the date andoubtedly is Saturday, the 4th Jane A.D. 1194. Since this day fell in the 16th year of the reign of Kulottunga-Chồla III., the general result now is that the king's reign commenced between the 5th June and the 8th July A.D. 1178 (both days inclusive)."
For convenience of reference the result of the examination of the 24 dates, so far sent to me by Dr. Hultzsch, may be summed up thne :
1.- B&jardja (Nos. 1-3). His reign commenced between the 24th December A.D. 984 and the 26th September A.D. 985. His latest date (No. 3), of the 28th year of his reign, very probably corresponds to the 23rd December A.D. 1012.
8.- Rajendra-Chola I. (Nos. 4-5). His reign commenced between the 24th October A.D. 1001 and the 23rd October A.D. 1002. His latest date (No. 5), of the 31st year of his reign, corresponds to Monday, the 23rd October A.D. 1032.
3.-Rajadhiraja (Nos. 11-15). His reign commenoed between the 15th March and the 3rd December A.D. 1018. His latest date (No. 11), of the 30th year of his reign, falls in Saka-Samvat 970 current = A.D. 1047-48.
4.- Kulottunga-Chola I. (Nos. 6-9, and 20). His reign commenced between the 14th March and the 8th October A.D. 1070. His latest date (No. 20), of the 48th year of his reign, corresponds to Friday, the 25th January A.D. 1118.
5.- Vikrama-Chola (Nos. 10, 21 and 22). His reign most probably commenced on the 18th July A.D. 1108. His latest date (No. 10), of the 340th day of the 5th year of his reign, most probably corresponds to Sunday, the 22nd June A.D. 1113.
6.- Kulottunga-Chola III. (Nos. 16-19, 23 and 24). His reign commenced between the 5th June and 8th July A.D. 1178. His latest date (No. 18), of the 34th year of his reign, corresponds to Monday, the 19th September A.D. 1211.
BY E. HULYz80H, PH.D. Bankalapura is a village 11 miles east of Hollapête (Hospet) and not far from the ruins of Vijayanagara in the Bellary district. Near the wall of the temple of Åfjandys (Hanumat) stands a slab which is said to have been brought thither from the ruins of another, neighbouring temple. The front of the slab bears at the top a seated figure of Ganapati, with the sun to his proper right and a crescent to his left. Below the figure are 41 lines of writing, which is continued on the back of the slab (II. 42-98). The inscription is rather worn, but just legible. The alphabet is Kanarese, and the languages are Sanskrit and Kanareee. The insoription opens
1 A fourth titki, ending on the oth day of the month of Mithon, would be either the fourth tiths of the dark half of the andata Jyrishtha or the fourth tilki of the bright ball of Ashidha; it is easy to prove that the nakshatra oould not possibly be Müla on either of these two tichis. On the other hand, to judge from numerous calendars at my disposal, Máls ordinarily goes together with Asbadhe-radi 14; and it commences on the day of Jy ishtbe-radi 14, when one of the months that precede AshAdha is intercalary. In Beka-Barhvat 1116 expired there was such an intercalary month (Chaitra), and one therefore would priori expect the nakshatras on Jy ishtha-sudi 14 (- the 4th June A.D. 1194) to be Jylobtha and Male, while they actually were.
Or, more accurately, between the 11th day of the month of Mithuns (corresponding to the 6th June) and the 18th day of the month of Karkataks (corresponding to the 9th July) of Bala-Samvat J 100.