(Vol. IV.
5 amamwhevard mâtâpitfi-pâdånadhyât8
mâ(ma)ha(ha) râjâdhirajaparamêsva(sva)raḥ(ra-)paramabha6 t[&]raka- Gangamalakulatilska i igriKôlâulapurapattaņa kasyah-kavalya7 Varayaghoshs. I mabárkjah (ja) Sri-Prithivivarmmadova[h] kusali Sri
Mahindrave8 rmmadeva-shutaḥ3 Ja[nd P]ra-visas L yathâkål-Adhyâsih mâbâsâmanta !
śrîsha.6 9 mânta r ájanaka-râjaputrah(tra-)kumârâmâty-utperii-dandanayaka | vishayapati10 gråmapati | anyas-cha châta-bhata-vallabhajatiya janapadânâ râțrakuta
kutu11 mviná | såmavájikaḥ yatharhi(rham) månayati vôb8)dhayati Sa(sa)mådisha(ka)til
Second Plate; First Side. 12 m-asta bhavatalo êtad-vishaya-samandha-grâmð yaḥ grâma-dvayamdôl=[i]ti nama | 13 sajalasthalârânya! chatuḥsimôpalakshitaḥ
bhattapatra-su14 bha[m]karaya [ 13 Våjasena-charapâya Kanya-śå khâys 15Vachha-gôtraya 15 tya têshâm=adhivås=têshår 1 pañchârishaya-pravaró bhavati | Bhargavaḥ
Chya16 Van-Apnôvâ-
r-Aurva-Jámadagn=éti I Jamadagnivat d-Urvava. 17 tld-Apnuvânavat Chyavanavat Bhriguvat ta-pravaraya l ih=êva 18 vishuks(Va)-sankrany 17 måtâpitrôr-âtmanas-cha
pany-&pivirdhayols 19 yatha Baliladhåra-purasarêná19
1 For the two next epitheto I am unable to suggest any satisfactory enendations, but have no doubt that is the first the prince is intended to be described as the lord of the excellent city of Kalabala,' and that the second should mention some special musical instrument to which be was entitled by the favour of some god. As the signs for the initial and for la are similar in this inscription, the Koldula of the text most probably is a mistake for Koldhala. On koldhalapurs see Ind. Ant. Vol. XVIII. p. 167, and on the bereditary title of the Gangas Koldļa- (or Koraļdla- or Kuraldla.) purararécara' e.g. ibid. Vol. VI. pp. 102, 109, and Vol. XVIII. pp. 311, 312. To Gokarnasvamin the Gangas owed the kettledrum (6Merl); ibid. Vol. XVIII. pp. 163, 173 (also 811 and 312).
• Originally kamalya. was engraved. * Read - utó; the compound so ending should properly have been placed before maldrdjadhirdja in line 5.
• Bead -pishayd; the compound so ending has clearly been engraved in the place of another word which has been elaced. • Rend -ddhydsins.
& Read mahdod manta-sd-nanta.. 7 Bend kumaranáty-Oparika..
• Read pattany dmucha. • Readjatkydánjanapadánardofrakipa-kufumbinah od maudyitd.- sdmaudyika occurs in line 27 of the Katak plates of Mahasivagopta (Ynyati), Jour. Beng. 4t. Soc. Vol. XLVI. P. I. p. 154 (above, Vol. III. p. 852); the same and cognate inscriptions have rdjavallabha for the vallabha of the present inscription.
30 Bead bharatam Mad-vishayd-eanbaddha-(?); about the proper reading of the rest of the line I sin doubtful. Here, again, the wholo passage from grdna up to Pajardna-cha in line 14 is engraved over another passage that has been effaced.
11 The signs of punctuation up to the end of line 19 are superfluous. 11 Read Cranyafachatufw-palakahit.
11 Read Fdjasandya. or Vdjarana. The rending Vájanina. we have also in the Katak plates of MabAbhavagupta, Ind. Ant. Vol. V. p. 56, and Proceedings Beng. 4o. 8oo. 1882, p. 11 (above, Vol. III. p. 348, 1. 19). * Read Kánya..
# Rend Vatra.. 16 The following passage I take to be intended for: iha tiahd (for tasya) adhindsa(for ita nivdring tlahdin (for tasya) pareldrahya pravaró bharati Bhargava. Chydvan Aprand-dura-Jd madagradil Jamadagninada Orvavad-Apnandeanach Chyavanavad=Bhrigurat tat-pravardyadhaaita. Compare the similar passage above, Vol. III. p. 46, lines 38-39, and note 6.- Panchdrahdy a-praparah is evidently intended also by the yaíodrilaya. pravarah, tbe Yalvarijaya Pravara," of the copper-plate inscription edited in Jour, Bong. 4. Soc. Vol. LXIV. P. I. p. 126. 17 Rend sankrantydi.
16 Read piny.db hivriddhaye, and omit the following yatha. 19 Read .purahaaran.