No. 1.]
8 (vv. 65-66). The village Pâñchâlippaṭṭu, east of Koṭṭapáka, south of Pre(pe?)rumaṇittângal, west of Penna(nne?)lûru, and north of Kileppaṭṭu and Sriperumbuduru. Here the map only shows Bimantângal (Perumanittângal ?) about 1 mile north-east, and Pennalûr about 24 miles east and slightly north of Sriperumbâdûr.
9 (vv. 67-68). The village Nelmali, east of Kotkada and Ayakkulattûru, south of Mannûr and Vatapura, west of Karanattângal and Inunkâṭakota, and north of Koṭṭapada. The map has Nemmali (Nelmali) about 2 miles north and slightly east of Sriperumbudur; and around it, on the north Mannûr and Valarpuram (Vatapura), on the west Toḍukkaḍu (=Kotkada ?) and Ayakolattûr, on the south Kârantângal, and on the east Irunkṭṭukōṭṭai (Inuûkāṭakōṭa).
10 (vv. 69-70). The village Pau(pô ?)ndûru, east of Mâ[m]paka, south of Kaschi(chchi)paṭṭu, west of Pullapáka, and north of Vaṭakâl and Pa(?)duhappaṭṭu.Pôndûr is about 3 miles south and slightly west of Sriperumbûdûr; west of Pôndûr is Mambakkam, north-east of it Pillapakkam (Pullapaka), and south of it Vadakâl.
11 (vv. 71-72). The village Nagarikuppa, east of Kileppaṭṭu, south of Pennelûru, west of Venkatu, and north of a small river, flowing into a tank or lake, and of Veņkāṭu.The map shows no name like Nagarikuppa, but it has Pennalûr and Venkâḍu (which have been already mentioned) about 3 miles east of Sriperumbudur.
12 (vv. 73-74). The village Ku[n]dipperumpêḍu, east of Kannittângal and Tattanûru, south of Koṭṭankarana, west of Mangani, and north of the lake of (?) Achchaperumpêdu.- Kuṇḍipperumpêḍu is Kunḍuperumbêḍu, about 4 miles south by east of Sriperumbudur. To the west of it the map has Kannantângal and Tattanûr, to the north Oṭṭankaranai (Koṭṭankârana ?), and to the east Mâgâniyam (Mângâņi). About 2 miles south of it we find (not Achchaperumpêḍu, but) Nallâmperambêḍu, mentioned already
13 (vv. 75-76). The village Tirumaṇikkuppa, east of Kôṭṭari, south of Pandûr and (?) Mummadikkuppa, west of Aharittirumani, and north of Yakkantângal.Tirumanikuppam is about 3 miles west of Sriperambadûr. About one mile north-west of it the map. shows Mammaḍikuppam, and 24 miles also north-west of it Kôṭṭayûr (Kôṭṭari ?); and close to Tirumanikuppam on the east is Agaram (Aharittirumani ?). The map contains no name like Yakkantângal.
14 (v. 77). The village Mulasûru, east of Bélûr and (?) Nandimêḍu, south of Pandúru, and west and north of Tirumangala.- Mulastru is Molasûr, about 5 miles south-west of Sriperumbûdûr. To the north of it is Tiruppandiyûr (apparently Pandûra), to the southwest Nandimêḍu, and to the south-east Tirumangalam.
15 (vv. 78-79). The village Ettantângal, east of Tirumaṇikkupa, south of Tirumanyahara, west of Vadamangala, and north of Pandûru.- Ettantângal ought to be looked for about 3 miles west of Sriperumbûdûr, but the map shows no name like it. Tirumanikkuppa, Vaḍamangala and Pandûru have been mentioned before. Judging from the position of these places, I incline to think that Tirumanyahara is the same village which above is called Aharittirumani, and that it is represented by the village Agaram of the map, east of Tirumaņikuppam.
16 (vv. 80-81). The village Pandûr, east of Sôlingapura, south of Vellâtûr, west of Amanêri, and north of Pânḍenalluru.- These villages I am unable to identify on the map There is a place named Velattûr about 13 miles west of Sriperumbûdûr, but none of the other villages are anywhere near it.
1 See below, under 15.