The characters are Nagari, and the language is Sanskpit. As regards orthography, the letter b is throughout denoted by the sign for v; the dental sibilant is often employed instead of the palatal ; j is oocasionally used instead of y; and the word sekhara is written sashara, in line 14. On the whole, the writer has done his work (as in the inscription F.) in a rather slovenly way.
This inscription also is one of the Paramabhaffaraka Maharajadhiraja Paramêsvara Govindachandradêve, who records that, on Friday, the full-moon tithi of Sravaņa of the year 1178 (given both in words and in decimal figures), after bathing at the Kapalamochana ghatta at Benares, where the Ganges flows to the north, and after offering the obsequial cakes to his deceased ancestors, etc., he granted the village of Sula[t]êņi in (the) Nêulasatävisiks (district) to Vyåsa, son of the Dikshita Vilhê and son's son of the Dikshita Purasa, & Brahman of the Bandhula gôtra, whose three pravaras were Bandhula, Aghamarshaņa and Visvâmitra, and student of the Vajasaneya tdkha.--- The only tax specified in line 17) is the bhagabhágakara. The grant was written by the Karanika, the Thakkura Gågûka.
The date regularly corresponds, for the Karttikadi Vikrama-Samvat 1178 expired, to Friday, the 21st July A.D. 1122, when the full-moon tithi of Sravana ended 2 h. 54 m. after mean sunrise.
The localities I am unable to identify.
EXTRACTS FROM THE TEXT. 9.... . . . . . . !-grimad-G[6]vindachandradêr&(vô) vijayi
Ichchha 11 Nêula10 satâ visika[y]ám "Sula[t]êņi-gråma-nivåsinô nikhila-janapadân=upagatån=api cha
raja-rajñi-pa(yu) varå[ja * )-matri-pura(rð)hista *]6-senapati-pratihåra-bham garik.
avja(ksha)patalika(ka) -bhisha11 g.naimittik-ántahpurika-data-karituragapattaná karasthånagôkulddhi kåri-purusha n =
ajñávipayati? VÔ (bô)dhayaty=adisati cha [1] Viditam=astu ta(bha)vatâm yath=
parilikhita-grana(mah) sa-jala12 sthala[h*] sa-l&(10) ha-lavan-Åkaraḥ sa-madhaka-ch tta-va[na). våţikâ-vitapa-třiņa-yati
gôchara-parpa (rya)ntaḥ s-ôddhirdbag=chatar-âghâta-visu(sa)ddha[h] Sva-sim
pa[r]yantah [a]shtasaptatyadhik-aikâdasa(sa)-sa(ga)ta-samvatsare 13 śråvê(va)ņa(ne) mâsi su(su)kla-pakshê paurņņamâsya[m] tithau
Su(su)kra-dine sokatôupi sa[m]vat 1178 Sråvaņa-sudi 15 Su(su)kre 110 Srimad-Varanasyam | Kapklamova(cha)na-ghatta attara-vahimyâm(nyâm)
Gamgâyâm snåtvå vivi(dhi)va14 n=mamtra-dêva-muni-manuja-bhata-pitfi-ganângtarpayitvå timira-patana (la)-påtana
patu-mahasam=Ushộarochisham-opasthåy=Aushadhipati-sa(sa)kala-sa(se)sha(kha ram sa mabhyarchchya tribhuvana-tråtar-Vasudevasya [p]Qján
1 The original has in line 15) pitri-pinda-yajtan nirvartya.
· Up to this, the only essential difference between the text of this inscription and that of A. is, that this inscription also omits the words aídapati. . Vdohaspati in Il. 13-14 of A.
These sigas of ponctuation are superfluous. • Perhaps this might be read Sulabhént.. . The original has a vacant space where the akshara ta should have stood. • This correction seems to have been made already in the original.
1 Bead d payati. After the akshara ya of the following word the original has two kdkapadas, but nothing has been omitted here.
• Read-Orddho-ddhasa. . Read Ontb=shta. 19 This sign of panctuation and the next are superfluous.