No. 11.)
Verges 38 and 39 are two of the usual imprecatory verses.
(L. 132.) "And in accordance with this sentence of Vyâss, this charity has to be protected."
Verse 40 is identical with verse 69 on page 54 above. (L. 134.) “Therefore this charity has to be protected by all."
(L. 135.) “ This edict was) written by Kantacharya at Sripithapuram. Hail! Hail! Hail!
[VIKRAMA-]SAMVAT 1171 TO 1233.
BY F. KIELHORN, PH.D., LL.D., C.I.E.; GÖTTINGEN. The twenty-one plates of which, at Dr. Haltzsch's request, I furnish the following account, are said to have been found, together with four other copper-plate inscriptions, in October 1892 in the village of Kamauli, near the confluence of the Barnâ and the Ganges at Benares ; and they are now deposited in the Provincial Museum at Lucknow. My account of them is based on excellent impressions which have been kindly supplied by Dr. A. Führer.
Fourteen of these plates (A. to N.) contain grants of the king Govindachandra of Kanauj, the earliest of which is of Vikrama-Samvat 1171 and the latest of [Vikrama-Samvat 1211. One (O.) is a grant of Govindachandra's son, the king Vijayachandra, and his son, the Yuvarája Jayachchandra, dated in [Vikrama-] Samvat 1224. And the remaining six (P. to U.) are grants of the king Jayachchandra, dated between [Vikrama-]Samvat 1226 and 1233. I have treated of these grants in their chronological order, except that I have begun my account of them with a grant of Gôvindachandra's of (Vikrama-]Samvat 1182, which seemed to me to be the most carefully writter and engraved of his grants, and the one most suitable for photographing. Of this grant (A.) I have given the full text; of ten other grants of Govindachandra I have only given that part of the text which commences with the words -frimad-Govindachandradêvô vijay, because up to these words the text of all these inscriptions essentially agrees with the text of A.; and of the three remaining grants of Govindachandra (G., I. and L.) I have considered it suficient to give a summary of the contents only, because the names of the localities mentioned in them are either quite illegible or very doubtful, and because the grants (excepting the dates, the exact words of which I have given in footnotes,) contain therefore really nothing that is not known to us from some of the other grants. Of the inscription of Vijayachandra (0.), of whom only one other copper-plate inscription has been hitherto published, I have
i fec Ep. Ind. Vol. II. p. 347.
* Three of these (a grant of Vaidyadêva, king of Kimarupa; A grant of the Mhdrdjaputra Govindacbandra of Kadaujot (Vikrama-] Saṁyat 1162, and one of the king Govindachandra of [Vikram Samvat 1196) bave already been published by Mr. A. Venis, ibid. p. 347 ff. And the fourtb, grant of the Singara Vatsaraja, of the reign of Govindachandra, of (Vikrama] Samvat 1191, I shall edit below, p. 130 ff.
Among these is one grant, F., of [Vikrama-Samvat 1176, which was made with Govindachandra's consent, by his chief queen Nayanakêlidevi.
But of the benedictive and imprecatory verses, occurring in each inscription, I have thought it suficient to give merely the commencement of ench verse, in the footnotes.
of the inscriptions of Govindachandra, here treated of, the grant A., of (Vikrama-]Samvat 1182, is the earliest grant which contains the epithets of the king afpapatigajapatinarapatirdjatrayddhipati-vividhavidydnichdra-Vdchaspati.
6 The Royal As. Soc.'s plate of Vijayachandra and the Yupardja Juyachchandra, published in Ind. Ant. Vol. XV. p. 7.