the son of the illustrious Rajaditya; (and) who is extremely well-disposed to Brahmans,informs all future kings -
(L. 20.) -"Be it known to you that,- for the increase of the religious merit of my parents and of myself; for the sake of acquiring a reward in this world and in the next; (and) for maintaining the bali, the charu, the vaisvadêva, the agnihotra, the sacrificial rites, etc., - the village named Gôvattaņa, in the Siharakhi Twelve, with the right of taking gold, with (the right to) fines and punishments for) the ten offences, with all that is included within the boundaries, with its) sacred bathing-places, with its) hamlet of (P) Meshuvallika, (and) not to be pointed at by the hand of confiscation of any of the king's people, has to-day, on the (tithi callod) vijaya-saptami, been granted by me, according to the rule of bhumichchhidra (and) with the pouring out of water, (to the following persons ; viz.), to the Brahman Soma, son of Sarvadeva, who belongs to the community of the Chaturvēdins of Badarasiddhi, who is a religious student of the Vájasaneya-Madhyamdina (sákhd), who has an invocation of three original ancestors, and who belongs to the Lâvåyana gôtra ; also, the Brâhman Nåhara, of the Gautama gótra, son of Mahesvara; also, Drôna, of the Vârshneya gótra, son of Sarman; also,
Sóma, of the Katyâyana gótra, son of Bappuka; also, Lakati, whose gótra is the same with that of the Âgneyas, son of Sarvadêva; also, Sarvadeva, of the Mudgala gotra; also, Neva; also, his son Gôva; also, Bhâulla, of the Vatsa gotra; also, Govasarman; also, Anahaditya; also, NAsenaalso, Gova, of the Gautama götra, son of Drôņa; also, Aditya, of the Pårågara gátra; algo, Limbåditya, whose götra is the same with that of the Agneyas; also, Yoga, of the Sandila gótra; also, Agnisarman; also, Nevarêva, of the Mudgala gotra; also, Någa, of the Madhara gótra; also, Nánasara; also, Revasama; also, Bhâulla, of the Yangana gotra; also, Névaditya, of the Bharadvaja gôtra ; also, Isvara, of the Kausa gotra; also, Bappasvamin; also, Gôvašarman, of the Varshneya gótra; also, Sivaditya; also, Devahata; also, Siha, of the Lâvâ yana gátra; also, Nanna, of the Kåtyâyana gótra ; also, Matfigūra; also, Mahesvara, whose gótra is the same with that of the Agnèyas,- (and) he has given his share to the daughter's son of Naina ; also, Lalla, of the Bharadvaja gótra ; also, his brother Jajjuka; also, Datta, of the Saundâna gotra; also, Agnisarman, whose gótra is the same with that of the Âgnêyas; also, Nêvaditya; also, Sambaüra, of the Kauss gótra; also, Jajjuka, of the Vårshạêya góra; also, Aditya, of the Gautama gótra; also, Âdityachihallaka, the son of Soma; also, Agnisarman, of the Mudgala gótra ; (and) Rêva, whose gótra is the same with that of the Agnêyas.
(L. 43.) — "Wherefore, no one should bebave so as to restrain this grant. And this, Our gift, shonld be assented to, and preserved by, future benevolent kings; understanding that riches are not everlasting, (and) that man's estate is uncertain, and that the reward of a grant of land belongs in common (both to him who makes it, and to him who continues it), and understanding also the sin of confiscating it.
(L. 46 )"And it has been said by the great sages - The earth has been enjoyed by many kinge, commencing with Sagara; whosoever at any time possesses the earth, to him belongs, at that time, the reward (of the grant that is now made, if he continue it)! The giver of land abides in heaven for sixty thousand years; (but) the confiscator (of a grant), or he who assents (to an act of comfiscation), shall dwell for the same number of years in hell!"
(L. 49.)-Written by me, the writer Krishna, son of Nanna.
Or, perhaps, "to (kis) daughter's son, Naina."