[Vol. III.
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TRANSLATION (Verse 1.) Let that task of Hari (Vishnu), who disported himself in the shape of) & boar,- (carried) on which trusk), as on & staff, the Earth appeared to be a parasol, with the golden mountain (Mēru) as its point, - protect you !
(V. 2.) There was a ruler (called) king Samgama [I.], whose uncontrolled, high valour,which was in conformity with the great pride of his renowned, powerful arm,- Overclouded the unchecked fighting-power of hostile kings, (and) whose shining, excellent lotus-feet were worshipped by the great splendour of the rabies on the humbly bent heads of crores of princes.
(Vy. 3 and 4.) From him were produced five heroic sons, as, formerly, the (five) celestial trees from the milk-ocean: first, king Harihara; then, the ruler of the earth, Kampa; then, the protector of the earth, Bukka; (and) afterwards, Merapa and Muddapa.
(V. 5.)Of these, king Harihara, - by whom the Sultan (Suratrdpa), who rosembled Sutrlman (Indra), was defeated, ruled the earth for a long time.
(V. 6.) His younger brother, king Kampaņa, whose name became true to its meaning, as he made the enemies tremble, ruled the earth for a long time.
(v. 2.) His heroic son was king Sargama (L.), just as Jayanta (was the son) of Jambhari (Indra), and as Pradyumna (was the son) of Sarngin (Krishna).
(V. 8.) Ah! surely, Karpa, the kalpa tree, and the celestial cow eagerly watch his compassionate glance, which fulfils the desires of supplicants.
(V. 9.) It is because she is desirous of resting on his arm (and) unwilling to choose another, that, for a long time, the goddess of Victory enters battles and practises the vow of (walking on) the edges of swords.
(V. 10.) Whilo, by the extensive spreading of his fame, the three worlds experienced supreme delight, the moon was successful in nothing but in causing the water-lilies to
(V. 11.) "Here comes the glorious lord of both the Eastern and Western oceans, the disgracer of the wicked kings that break their promises, the destroyer of the armies of opposing
Read .
• The author here ones the word kalpa for the celestial trees in general, though it is strictly applicable to one of them alono ; see amarakóla, 1.1, verse 63. For s similar use of the word in the general sense, compare
Eurafcout HTG19; Naishadha, canto xiii. verse 1. i The poet derives Kampaņa from kampayati, be causes to tremble.'
• This verse implies that Sargama's donations were admired, but not equalled, by Karpa, the talpa tree, and the celestial cow, who are noted for their unbounded liberality.
The purport of this verse is, that Sangama IL had not to fight for victory, but that victory came to bim of ita own accord.
This verse implies that the moon, wbich bad bitherto pleased the whole world, ww benten in that respect by the time of Surgama II. and served no practical purpose, bat to indace the night-lotus to open ite dowers.