No. 32.]
(V. 7.) This prince Virů påksha, who was regarded as the foremost of the virtuous,- in the Baka year one thousand three hundred and five -
(V. 8.) On the lucky day of the anspicious time of the Pushya-sankranti in the Raktákshin (year),- in the country (dééo) called Palakuņrakkôţta, which is (also called (after) Chinkapura,
(V. 9.) In the district (nitrit) of Chetohi,- the excellent village called Alampûņdi, which had been previously granted by (my) brother Harihara (and called) after my i.e. Jannambika's ?) name;
(V. 10.) The excellent village, which was claimed by the best of the Brahmanas of that village (and) which was also called Jannambikâbdhi,-up to the four boundaries;
(V. 11.) The wise (Virpaksha) gave, for the enjoyment of those Brahmaņas of various gôtras, (the above) village, which had been given by me (i.e. Jannâmbika P), free of taxes, for as long as the moon and the sun (shall endure).
(Line 22.) The eastern boundary of this village (extends) as far as T&ņriêntala; the northern boundary as far as the Vêganadi; the western [boundary] as far as the boundary of Śaktimangala; the southern [boundary) as far as the boundary of MÁbhuvilliênstala.
[Lines 26 to 33 contain three imprecatory verses.]
(L. 34.) Sri-Harihara.
POSTSCRIPT. I take advantage of this opportunity to publish a short inscription of Harihara II. in Granthe characters, which is engraved at the entrance into the inner prdkdra of the Kåmåkshi temple at Kanohipuram, and which is dated in Saka-Samvat 1916 expired, the Srimukha samvatsara. It consists of a single Sanskrit verse, which records that king Harihara (II.) provided a copper-door for the central shrine of the Kamakshi temple.
TEXT.3 i m edia mare fecua[far] v zituer१ षा[6]मासे शुद्धे पक्षे दशम्यां रविमुतदिवसे मित्र3 मे जैत्रतेजाः ॥ काञ्चयां कल्याणशोभी हरिहर4 zafa[:] [:] Moi THTWTA HTTi []aga Ő warfafenau
TRANSLATION. On (the day of the star Mitra (.e. the nakshatra Anuradha), on the day of the son of the sun (i.e. on Saturday), on the tenth tithi of the bright fortnight of the month of AshAdha of the Srimukha (sa mvatsara), (which was current) after the auspicious Saka year expressed by the chronogram) saktyalóka (i.e. 1815) had expired, -king Harihara, whose might was
1 The verb follows in verse 11.
• Dr. Hultmach's Progress Report for February to April 1890, p. 4, No. 29 of 1990; 300 ante, p. 116, where reference is made to this inscription,
From an inked estampago, received from the Editor. • Rend . Instead of परिणमवि one would expect परिषत.