No. 24.]
45 r=abhavad=bhAl-6kshana(b) prêyasaḥ 1 PadmAkshapi chatur-bhajó-jani chatar
vaktrå-dbhava46 t=Padmabhiḥ 18. KA! khadgam=adhad=Ramå cha kamalar viņå cha Vaņi
karê (11) [21] Batru(tra)ņam: 47 vasam=étê dadata iti rushå kiṁ nu sapt=amburåsi (din) nâna-sên&-tta(ta)ramga48 tri(tra)ţita-vasumati-dhtļi-kậpålikábhiḥ 1 Sam(sam) sôshya svairam=etat-pratini49 dhi-jaladhi-[r]êņika ô vidhatte brahmArda-svarnamêra-pramukha-nija-ma50 had&na-tôyair=amêyaiḥ 1(11) [22] Mad-dattám=arthi-sårtthå[] Sriyam=iha
suchiram bhum51 jat&m=ity=srêtyaḥ 15 prayaḥ pratyaha-hêtöstapana-ratha-gatêr-Alay&n=dê
Second Plate ; Second Side. 52 vatanan [l*) tat-tad-dig-jaitra-vri[t]ty=&pi cha biruda-padair=am kita[m]s=tatra tatra 53 stambhån(n)=jâta-pratishthân=vyatanuta bhavi yd bhabhfid=abhramkash-grån I(II)
[237 Sta54 ty-andaryaḥ sudhibhiḥ sa Vijayanagaré [ra]tnasimhasana-sthaḥ kshmâpâlân=Kfi55 shṇaraya-kshitipatir adharikfitya nitya Nrig-adin 4 půrvådrêreath 56 stakshitidhara-katakad-& cha Hêmichal-Amtád- Sêtör artthi-sârtha-sriyamai. 57 ha bahaļiksitya kirtty& babhåsê6 1(II) [24] Kpitavati? sura-lokam Krishnarkye
nij-Am. 58 sam tad=anu tad-anujanma punya-karm=&chyutėmdraḥ | akhilam=avani-18kam sv-em59 Sam-êty-ari-j[@]tá vilasati Hari-chêta vidvad-ishta-pradat& I(II) [25] SY0=8&u patt
abhi60 shikto bhuvam=api nikhil& pålayêm j ait ra-y&tr-arambhai(bhê) samjrim bhaman.
odbhata61 pataha rav-Achårta-råd8-rintarkle Madram bhity=&panidram samadhigata-ma62 hafaila-ssimgań Kalimgar såtamkam Vamka(ga)m-Angam saha-balam=a karðsch(ch)
chhatrya63 bhamg-Anushamgam10 (ID) [26] Yat-kirtti-chandras-charati kshamayan
tithisv(shv) agêshdeu viva64 rddhaté cha tanoti chakrasya muda samithdhe diva cha Ayam kumudair-vi65 rundhå (ll) [27] Madam 19 manasi mårutam fithilayaty=amêyai[sta ?]yair-yad-afva
patalt khu
Read -aktró=bhara.. * This sign of panctastion is superfinotu. * Metre of verses 22-24: Sragdbard.
This sign of punctuation is superfluous. • Rend rapetya prdyan. The reading dlaydn at the end of this line is preferable to the reading dlayari of other inscriptions.
• The Hampe inscription of Krishộardy, v. 29, reada samirindu. 7 Metro: Malini * Metre : Sragdbar.
Read palayain 10 The sense would be better expressed by mushaklan, but I have no doubt that the above reading is correct.
11 Metre : Upajati.
1 Metre: Prithvi-This verse clearly is an imitation of part of v. 22, above, and ito general sense is not doubtful. The text of it, also, with the exception of a single akshara, is quite clear in the impressions. Bat the end of the first Pada (tayair or stay air) yields no sense, and I fail to see the construction of the verse, as read above. I feel almost certain that, in the first Pada, we ought to read fithilayanty (instead of lithilayaty) and to take this to qualify abra-patall, and that in the last Pads we sbould read ambudhin and qualifying this ) raya-birodhina odjindth. For the rest, I would suggest, with some diffidence, reading amly airetam 6 (instead of a megasstay air) and bala-(or para-pramathan-6dy at 6 (instead of bala-pramathamasyano ). With these alterations the meaning of the verse would be about this : " Seeing how the multitude of his horses, bumbling the conceit of the winds, bas gronted darkness by the immense clouds of dust which it raises with its hoofs, one feels inclined to ask whether, eager to destroy the opponent forces, Achyutendra angrily is drying up the ocean, because it impedes the progress of his chargers."