No. 2.)
varman-(II.)-Satyasraya, the favourite of fortune and of the earth, the Maharajadhiraja, the Paramêsvara, the Bhatfaraka, the glorious Nripasimharåja,-(was) the glorions Trailokyamahadevi. By her there was erected a great stone temple of the god) the holy Trailokyêsvara-bhattáraka. On the (?) west of this :
(L. 15.) - Thus, in the middle of these (three) shrines, by the sculptor śubhadeva, who belongs to the Sandilya gótra, (and) who is the son's son of the sculptor Sivavardhamana, (and) the son of the sculptor Siva; or, rather, by the Acharya Jñânaśiva, who is the disciple of the disciple's disciple at the feet of him, the venerable and worshipful Payðbhakshin, who had the appellation of Sivasásana, (and) who has come here from the Mfigathanikahára vishaya on the north bank of the (river) Ganga, (and) is dwelling in the asylam of the god) the holy Vijayêśvara-bhattâra ka, - there has been set up, in (?) the gateway of his own particular shrine, this great stone pillar, which bears the mark of the seal of the trident.
(L. 18.)- Here is written this following) charter, preceded by the (above) enlogy :- By the illustrious Sam.... - Arya-Bhatta-Gangadhara (?), who belongs to the Kauthama (sakha) and is adorned by (a knowledge of the Vêdu that consists of three thousand (verses), there has been given to Brahmamürtti-Arya-Bhatta-Trivikrama, who knows the four Vedas, half of the village named .. . . .. . . ., on the east of the village named Arapuņuse in the Belvala 6 vishaya, which was acquired through a charter of Vijayaditya. (And) into his (Trivikrama's) hand, by the Acharya Jñanasiva, - in the month Sravana, on the new-moon tithi, at a total eclipse of the sun; in order to increase the religious merit of his parents, and for] his own welfare ; as a provision for the discourses of the Acharya, and for the studies of those who attend to the rites of the god; and for perfecting the worship of the god, there have been given, at his own shrine, fields (of the measure of) thirty nitartanas, which were purchased with thirty gadyanakas of gold; they should be preserved.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
By E. HULTZSCH, PH.D. This inscription was discovered by my First Assistant, Mr. V. Venkayya, M.A., on the east wall of the second prákara of the temple of Ranganatha (Vishạn) on the island of Srirangam in the Trichinopoly táluka. It consists of thirty Sanskrit verses. The Grantha alphabet in which it is written, differs very little from the character that is employed by the Tamilas of the present day. The only peculiarity which deserves to be noted, is that in two instances ( 70, line 3, and fea, line 5), the group is written as thongh it consisted of and u. and once in T, line 3) as though it consisted of and st, while the correct form occurs also three times (ufcu, line 18, ræt, line 19, and fa h , line 23). The inscription is
See page 6 above, note 10. . I adopt a suggestion made by Dr. Hultzsch, that ripa stands for ripakdra. . See page 5 above, note 15. • See page 5 above, note 19.
This person seems to be the priest of the temple of Vijayésvara.
The correct name is Bel volo. In the Nagart version the name here appears as Velvalla. 7 See page 6 above, note 3. . lit. " which were taken, through giving price of gold, by thirty gadydnakaa."