savachhare, one year. The correct total of the period during which the Beloved of the gods declares himself to have been connected with the Buddhists, is thus about nine years. With respect to the other, equally or perhaps more important question, who the Vyrtha or Vivutha was and to what the numerals refer, the Siddåpura inscriptions yield, as far as I can see, no positive results. I shall discuss these problems again in the Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, and will note here only this much, that I still take the Vivutha to be the Tathagata, and still refer the numerals to the number of years elapsed since the Nirvana.
No. I. [S]uvamnagirite ayaputasa mahêmêtanam chs vachan[e]na I[si]lasi mahâmâta Arogiyam vataviya hevam cha vataviya [ll]
First Edict.
Devâņań piye anapayati [l*] 9 Adhikán[i] adhâtiyani [va]sâni ya hakam.... no tu kho bádham pakamte
husam [1] Ekam Bavachharam satireke tu kho sa[m]vachhar[a] 3 3 yam may& Sanghe apayite badham cha me pakamte [lo] Iming chu kalena
amisa samând munisa Jambudipas[i] misa devebi [1] [Paka]masa hi iya phale [lo] No hîyam sakye
mahatponeva påpotave (1) Kåmam tu kho khudakens pi 5 paks[mami]neņa vipule svage sakye årådhetave [l*] E[tJayathấya iyaṁ såvane
såväpite [1] B ...... mabåtpå cha imam pakame[yu] . j amtâ cha mais
janeyu chirathitike cha iyam 7 pa .. [lo] Iya cha athe vadhisiti vipulaṁ picha vadhisiti
avaradhiya diyadhiyam 8 [vadh']isit. [1] Iyam cha savan . sav. P . te Vyüthens 266 [ll]
Second Edict. Se heyam Devanan piye Aha (1) mâtâpitisu susds[i]taviyelo [1] Hemera garut[vam]"
drahyitavyam [1] Sacham vataviyam [1] Se ime dhammaguņa pavatitaviya [lo] Hemeva
From inked estampages, received from Dr. Holtzsch. * The sa is mutilated on the rigbt, but the w-stroke is distinct. • Possibly sanachharan, as the indentation, taken for an aswadra, is rather irregular in its outlines. • The first syllable is damaged, but not pd, as the photograph might seem to indicate.
The ta consists here of a semicircle, open below, and a vertical standing above it, in accordance with the practice prevailing in much later inscriptions
Only the upper portions of the two ma bave been preserved, and the second very imperfectly. 7 The yw is faintly visible on the impression. Read ti. . Read me. • The lower portions alone of rad bave been preserved. 10 The impression shows faint traces of the vertical stroke of the vowel i.
11 The impression shows traces of a probably angalar siga which was attached to the lower right of the ta and of the amustára. There is thus a presumption that the reading was garutras; but garutan is not absolutely excluded.