No. 21.)
The plates record the grant of the village of Poppangika in Saraümatamba, & subdivision of the district of Krôshtukavartani (1. 9), as an agrahára (1. 10) to six Brahmana brothers, who resided at Kalinganagara (1. 11) and belonged to the Chhandoga school (1. 12). The grant was made at Kalinganagara! (1.2) by one of the kings of Kalinga (1.5) of the Ganga family (1. 4),- the Maharaja Dêvêndravarman, who was the son of Guņârnava (1. 8). The date of the grant was the eighth tithi of the bright fortnight of the month of Magha (1.11). during the sun's) progress to the north (udag-ayana). The edict itself was engrossed and issued in the one-hundred-and-eighty-third year (in words and numerical symbols) of the reign, on the twentieth (solar) day in words and figures) of the month of Śrávaņa" (1. 26 f.). This second date is subsequent to the first by at least several months. Unfortunately, neither of the two dates contains any elements which admit of verification, and which might thus help to fix the initial point of the Ganga era. The second date is preceded by the names of the writer of the edict and of an official witness (1. 24 f.), and followed by the name of the engraver (1. 27).
Owing to the uncertainty in which the Gânga era is still involved, nothing can at present be said about Dévêndravarman, the son of Guņârnava, but that he must be distinct from Dévêndravarman, the son of Anantavarman, and that the name Gunarnavå occurs twice in the list of the ancestors of Chodaganga of Kalinga.
First Plate. 1 sta[fa] [1*) 94999antafacraruhta[tax*] Hatechutanferua2 तकलिङ्गनगरान्महेन्द्राचलामलशिखरप्रतिष्ठितस्य चराचरगुरोस्मकलभुवन3 निर्माणकसूचधारस्य भगवतो 'गोकर्नस्वामिनश्चरणकमलयुगलप्रणामादि4 गलितकलिकलको गाङ्गामलकुलतिलको 'निजनिस्त्रिधारीपार्जितस्मकल-' 5 fastfucroe[:*) ufandagocfacrcrågarafatcather (:) värit6 THETHGfraorde[:*] OTHETETHRESTHUHTH7 वरीपुचरजितचरणपरममाहेखरो मातापितृपादानुध्यातो नयविनय
1 The vowel of the third syllable is short bere, as in the majority of other instances, while it is long in line 11, in the Chicacole plates of Anantavarman's son Dêrêndrs varman (Ind. Ant. Vol. XIII. p. 275, text line 2), in the Alamanda plates (ante, p. 18, text line 2), and in the Parla-Kimedi plates of Vajrahasta, which will shortly be published by Professor Kielhorn (No. 31 below).
• Compare the first date of the Achyutapuram plates, ante, p. 127. In the Chicacole plates, udagayans cannot be taken in the sense of uttard yana-sankranti, because the latter cannot coincide with the eighth tithi of the bright fortnight of Magbr. ** Ind. Ant. Vol. XIII. p. 273, and Vol. XVIII. p. 146.
. ibid. Vol. XVIII. p. 170. . From the original plates. • Expressed by a symbol in the original. Read and - Read निखिंश.
Rend C. 20 As in another Ganga grant (Ind. Ant. Vol. XIII. p. 121), the participle #fact is erroneously placed at the begining of the compound, while the sense requires it to stand between vafa and arou:, w in two other grants (Ind. Ant. Vol. XVI. p. 184, and ante, p. 128).