No. 19.]
12 bhita-dik-cha yah! Ganapatim patim-Andhrabhuvô vyadhadayudhi dhfitam
karuņa-ta(va)ruņaśrayaḥ 11 12 [118] "Ripu-nfipa-Hiranyakasip-Or-u(a)rassthala
dalana-Narasimhah | Simho-jani jani-jagat-jayasya jaga13 tî-patisaténa || 13 [11] Dripyat-sapatna-prithivipati-kumbhi-kumbha-Barbhédan-Akripa
krip&ņa-karo-chirêņa | Kaziboja-vaji-jita-kumjaram=&jimadhyer&janam-Arjunam
atarjayad-Arjitam yah || 14 [11] M&-4 14 d-8ddama-dvéghi-dvirada-rada-samghatta-vikata-sphuling-ôdyad-vidyut-prahara pa-rana
sphúrjjathu-prithuḥ visuddh-ambhô-dhårê yad-asi-jaladaḥ kajjala-nibhaḥ prat&pam
pråmsūnám kshapayati vipaksha-kshiti15 bhșitár || 15 (11) Vasudhar tatra vasudhd-sudhadh&mni mahlpatau prasasati sati
kshmåbhrich-chhiro-vinyasta-sâsanê || 16 [ll] Tasyaiva daivajia-gan-&granitvam
[ra]jñaḥ prapady=&mum=Anantadêvaḥ II(I) akaraya16 tasa trijagaj-jananyah prasadam=åsâdita-tat-prasadah || 17 [11] Sahayyam=arthêna
vidhaya dharmmê tasy=nujanm=éha Mahêśvar-akhyaḥ | imam prasannâm=anavadya
pady&m=yinirmmamê nirmmala17 dhiḥ prasastim || 18 [ilo] Seghô7 yâvad-vahati vasudh&m=shs firshair-agêshair
yâvad=veld-valayam=akhilam n=&bdha yô la ]mghayamti târåståråpatir=api ravêr=
mandalar=y&vad-êtat-tåvad=dêvya bhavata bhavanam 18 bhůshanam bhQ-talasya || 19 (11] 8 Shatk-ône Badala-sat-adhi[ko] sahasrê 1144
varshåņên Saka-pfithivipatah prayatê | Chaitr-adya-pratipadi Chitrabhånu
varshe prisado srachi ruchird=yam-Ambikâyâh (IV) 20 [11] 19 Mangalam mahd-srih || Likhit-êyam Någarajñatiya-brao pamo Gamgadharêņa || Satra
dhara[s=Thjald 11
BY V. VENKATTA, M.A. Three sets of impressions, prepared by the late Sir Walter Elliot, of the subjoined inscription were forwarded by Dr. Fleet to Dr. Hultzsch, who has kindly placed them at my disposal for publication. The impressions are four in number. The first and the fourth bear the Kanarese numerals 'one' and 'three respectively, and the second the numeral 'two.' Consequently, the original, which I am unable to trace, appears to consist of three copper-plates, of which the first and the third are engraved only on one side, and the second on both sides. At the top of each plate is a hole throngh which a ring that held the plates together, must have been passed.
The alphabet employed in the inscription is Nandinagari thronghont, with the exception of the last line, which is in Kanarese characters. The technical execution of the inscription is far from good. The distinction between long and short # is maintained only in the first ten lines, in which three cases of long occur, viz. mula (1.3), murti (1.8), and bhurriha (1. 10). Throughout the rest of the inscription, no attempt is made to distinguish the long from the short u. But, in order not to swell the footnotes unnecessarily, I have inserted the long in the text wherever the sense requires it, except in the case of proper names which are not generally
Compare karupd-varupdlayal, an ocean of compassion,' in Ind. Ant. VoL XIV. p. 816, line 28. * Metre : Gtti: Metro: Vasantatilak.
Metre : Sikharint. Metro: śloka (Anushtabh). Metre : Upajati; and of the next verse. 7 Metre: MandAkranta.
Metre: Praharshini. I am not quite sure about the cousonants enclosed in bracketa; posibly the iuteuded reading may be dldra-Thdu.