68 syAd=ity'-aktań [cha] bhagana(va)tá [vê]da-vy&s[*]na Vy&sêna | Shapti(shți)
varsha-wa[hajsrdņi svarggê tishthati bhamidah [1] Achchhétta 69 ndha(ch=A)numamt[8] cha tâny=dva narake vasata || Vindhy-atavipv(shv)=atöyåst
sashka-kotara-våsinaḥ [l*] krish]ņhayð hi jayantê bhumi70 haramti yê [ll] Vaba)hubhir=rva[su]dha naja rajabhiḥ Sagar-&dibhiḥ [lo] yasya
yasya yada [bhati]yadya ta[sya) ta[da] 71 S[v]a-dattán para-datsa(tta)ın [v] yatnad=raksha nardhiyah? | mahin
[y]himatâm srêshtha dává(na)ch=chhr[@]y=[n]up&la[na] || Iva samala72 10da-lolar Api(fri)yam=sta(nu)chi[m]tya [ma]nupya(shya)-jsvitañ=chal ja(a)ti
vimala-manôbhir=&tmanini(nai)r=vva(nna) hi [gasa] sheh pasa [ki] - 73 [lopy]eḥ [ll] Sa(pa)ra[mê]svara-[prashita-sistprishi]kard_1[aa] taka likbitan
cha parame[sva]r-idna(jia)y& brf-K[rindheP]yeyêtu 11 74 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
By F. KIELHORN, PH.D., C.I.E.; GÖTTINGEN. This inscription, which I edit from impressions supplied to me by Dr. Fleet, is at the temple of Sârajadovi 16 at the village of Bahål, in the Chaltsgaon subdivision of the Khåndês district of the Bombay Presidency (Indian Atlas, sheet 38, long. 75° 9' E., lat. 20° 36'N.). It contains nineteen lines of writing, which cover a space of about 2' 10 broad by 1' 31' high, and is almost throughout in a perfect state of preservation. The average size of the letters is slightly less than ". The characters are Nagart. The language is Sanskrit; and, excepting the introductory Oh II Orh namo Dodrajd-devyai and the words atha raja-vanda) in line 7, lines 1-18 are in verse. The verses are numbered, and their total number is twenty. In respect of orthography I have only to state that the letter b is exceptionally denoted by the sign for in the words vivudha, in line 3, and vrahma, in line 7.
Read iti! Uklan. • Metre : Sióka (Anushtabh); and of the next three verses.
Read vasll. . This line commences under the third akshara of the preceding line; and in the vacant space at the beginning of the line one would have expected ddnani or ddyari.
* Read bhukta.
• Bend blsmir-tasya. At the commencement of the next line there is again a vacaat space, where one would have expected phalan.
7 Read marddhipa. Rend maltbritdi.
Metre: Pushpitágra. Read it kamala. * At the beginning of this line is again a vacant space, sufficient for the missing aksharas -dal-dmbw-phi. 11 Read puruskan para-kl..
Here, too, is a Vacant space at the beginning of the line, where we mine the akshara ritayd ti..
This is what is, or seems to be, actually engraved. The ff or fit at the beginning may be meant for irl or frlmat; but the name of the ditaka I am unable to make out.
14 Here, again, I am unable to guess what name may be intended, and can only say that the two last akaharas probably are meant to be di.
15 Below the aksharas of line 73, beginning with the dd of ddtakam and ending with the fa cf paramdivar., about ten or eleven more aksharas are engraved, close to the lower edge of the plate; but they are too indistinct to be made out. It is just possible that they are the eleven akelaras which for some reason or other are omitted at the beginning of lines 70-78.
According to information furnished to me with the impronions, this is the name now current; but the original dame must have been Dvdrajd, an appellation of Bhav dat which I have not met with before.