BY J. F. Fleet, I.C.S., Pr.D., C.I.E. THE existence of this inscription appears to have been first made known by Dr. Burgess
1 in his reports of the Archeological Survey of Western India, Vol. I. p. 32 (published in 1874). Its contents were first brought to notice in 1881, by myself, in the Indian Antiquary, Vol. X. p. 168; the estampages that I had then made, however, did not enable me to read it with any completeness beyond line 11. In March, 1882, I received some ink-impressions from Mr. H. Cousens : but they, again, did not enable me to deal with the record fully. I edit it now from some better ink-impressions and some estampages, which were made under my own direction in March, 1891.
Pattadakal is a village about eight miles to the east by north of Badami, the chief town of the Badâmi Taluka or subdivision in the Bijapur District, Bombay Presidency. And the inscription is on a monolith pillar, apparently of red sandstone, which stands in the house of Parappa Půjârî, on the north of the enclosure of the temple that is now known by the name of Virûpåksha. The pillar is called Lakshmi-kambha, or the pillar of the goddess Lakshmi, a name which betrays total ignorance of its real character and origin; and it is worshipped as a god.
The upper part of the pillar is octagonal; and this part contains the inscription which I edit, and which is presented in two copies. One copy of it is in twenty-five lines, in the local characters of the period to which the record refers itself, lying on the north-west, west, sonthwest, and south faces : here, the writing covers & space of about 2' 8" broad by 3' 10" high; and the size of the letters, which are very well formed and boldly engraved, varies from about ** to 18". The other copy is in twenty-eight lines, in Nagari characters, lying on the east, north-east, and north faces : here the writing covers a space of about 2' 0" broad by 3' 10" high; and the size of the letters varies from about " to 13". These Någarî characters are intermediate in type between those of the Bôdh-Gayâ inscription of Mahânâman of A.D. 517 or 588 (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 276, Plate xli.), and those of the Samengad copper-plate grant of Khadgåvaldka-Dantidurge of A.D. 753-54 (Ind. Ant. Vol. XI. p. 110, Plate); but they
The south-eat face in blank, except where it was utilised, near the bottom, to insert a passage that had been Careloanly omitted in the Nagart text (see page 6 below, note 2).