When many warriors born in the family of Ikshvaku, having long ruled the earth, had gone to heaven, then the most excellent king Sagars was born in his family, and in his family again was born afterwards the lord of men Bhagiratha.
Raghu by name ..........
B.-Fifth Plate. While the lord of princes Vira-Chola was ruling the whole earth, a Brahman named Nila was his spiritual adviser.
He directed him to bestow on the chief twice-born & gift of religion which would secure heaven to all his ancestors.
When he had heard his advice, the king went to the Chola ruler, bowed down, and, standing in his presence, spoke the following words :
"In my territory I wish to give & great village, which shall be) named after thee, to the Brahmans; please grant me leave to do this!"
And permitted by Parakesarivarman, who said to him, “Do 80 speedily," the lord of princes Vira-Chôļa (gave) to one hundred and fifty (Brahmans) the entire village of Parak@sarichaturvēdimangala, well situated between the Kåvêri and a small river, endowed with all auspicious marks, embellished with rice and other grains, furnished with jack, mango and other trees, with areca-nut tree gardens ..........
By E. HULTZCH, PH.D. This inscription has been already drawn attention to by Mr. G. Mackenzie in his Manual of the Kistna District, p. 214, and by Mr. B. Sewell in his Lists of Antiquities, Vol. I. p. 54. It is engraved on three faces of a stone pillar in front of the Durgamba temple at Ganapésvaram, Rhamlet near Talagada-Divi in the Bandar (Masulipatam) taluks of the Kistna district. The same pillar bears four other, later inscriptions, vis. one at the bottom of the east face? underneath the inscription of Ganapati, and three others on the north face, which had been left blank by the engraver of the Ganapati inscription.
The alphabet of the inscription is Telugu. The language is Sanskrit verse as far as line 121, and Telugu prose from line 121 to the end. The Sanskrit portion opens with invocations of Vishņa, Siva, and Ganesa (verses 1 to 3). Verses 4 to 14 contain a short genealogy of the Kakatiya king Ganapati, to whose time the inscription belongs. Omitting the earliest ancestor who is named in the Anmakonda and Ek&mranåtha inscriptions, the Ganapêbvaram inscription commences the list with Prola (verse 5), who resided at Anmakonda in the Andhra country, the capital of the kings of the race of Kakati. (v. 4). He defeated
1 This inscription is dated in Salivahana-Saksvarsba 16[9] [expired), the Khara samvatsara.
• The dates of these inscriptions are: Baka-Samvat 1268 (expired), Vyaya; 1605 (not 1005, as stated by Meurs. Mackenzie and Sewell), (expired), Rudbirädgårin; and 1285. The second inscription refers to the linge called after Ganapati, which had been set up by Chodaraja at the junction of the Voņi and the sen," and the third records the grant of lamp" to the god'Ganapattsvara in the beautiful Peda-Divipurs at the junction of the Krishna and the sea."
# Ind. Ant. Vol. XI. p. 10, and Vol. XXI. p. 197. . See Ind. Ant. Vol. XXI. p. 196, note 11.