9. Jinapattisuri,
16. Jinachandrasuri IV., 10. Jineśvarasûri II.,
17. Jinodayasuri, 11. Jinaprabodhasûri,
18. Jinarajasuri, 12. Jinachandrasûri III.,
19. Jina bhadra sûri,5 13. Jinakusalasuri,
20. Jinachandrasûri V., 14. Jina padmasûri,
21. Jinasamudrasuri, 15. Jinalabdhisuri,
22. Jina has sasûri,
23. Jinamaņikyasuri, 24. Jinachandrasûri VI;* who awakened the Patisâhi of Delhi, Akabara, received from him the title yugapradhana, and obtained an edict not to kill during 8 days in all countries, who appeased the angry Jahâmgira and protected the Sådhus banished by him.
25. Jinasiṁ hasûri, who caused the mantrin Karamachandra to institute' a rúpanandi festival at an expense of 12,500,000 (sapádakoți), wandered through Kathina, Kasmir and other countries, pleased Akabara-Sâhi, stopped for a year the slaying of aquatic animals, caused an edict of not killing to be proclaimed in Sripura, Golakumda (Golkonda), Gajjaņa (Ghazni), and other countries, and received the title of yugapradhana from Jahâmgira-Naradi-Maham mada.
26. Jinaraja,' whose parents were så Dharmasi and Dharalade, who belonged to the Bohittha race, received a boon from the goddess Ambikå, and in consequence deciphered the prasasti on an ancient image at Ghamghanipura. In No. xxvi there is a second date, Samvat 1682 for him.
The later inscriptions mention:
Jinachandrasûri, Saṁvat 1794,19 (No. xxxix); Jinaharshasari,' Saṁvat 1887 (No. lx), Samvat 1888, Samvat 1891 (No. lxviii), Samvat 1892 (No. lxix); Jinamahendrasuri, successor of the preceding, Samvat 1893 (No. lxxx), stated to belong to the Pippaliya branch (Nos. Ixxxii-v).2 Sarvat 1903 (No. lxxxviii).
Jinasaubhagyasuri, successor of Jinaharsha, Samvat 1910 (No. xvi).
Jinamuktisuri, Saṁvat 1922 (No. cvi). The statements of the latest inscriptions show that there were several heads of the Kharatara gachchha, which fact is known to everybody personally acquainted with the sect. I met Jinamuktisūri at Jesalmir in 1874, and at Bikanir another head of the Kharataras called Hemasûri. The pupils of a third Yugapradhana of the same community visited me in 1876 at Surat, when he passed through the town.
II.--Pattávali of the Tapá gachchha. No. xii mentions first Vardhamana (verse 2), Sudharma (verse 3), Susthita and Supratibuddha, the founders of the Koţikagaņa (verse 4), Vajra, the founder
• This form, which is found also in the Patan Prasasti, ante, vol. I, p. 319, seems to be preferable to Dr. Klatt's Jinapati, Ind. Ant., vol. XI, pp. 245ff.
- Mentioned also in No. xviii. • Mentioned also in Nos. xviii-Ix, xxiii, xxxiv. * Nos. xviii-IX, xii-xiv, add "before Akabarashi." . According to No. xviii Srikastipura, according to No. xis SrikAra-Sripura, according to No. xxiii Sripara. . Mentioned in the same way in Nos. xiv-IX, xxii-xxiv, xxvi. 10 Klatt has a Jinachandra (No. 69) in 8. 1834. 1. This is the last on Klatt's list, Ind. Ans., vol. xi, pp. 246ff.
» Nos. Ixxxii-xxxv have a note speaking of a Jinachamdasári, successor of Jinadeve, being alive. Regarding the Pippallya Kharatara gachchhe; see Klatt, ut sup., under No. 66.