No. 205. पप-यह दनं [*] The gift of Apa-yaha (2)
No. 206. अपा[कानिया दानं [*] The gift of Apakant.
No. 207. भयकनस भिछुनो दानं पयमंडुकियस [*] 'The gift of the venerable Kana, pupil of the venerable Bhamduka.se
No. 208. भयजे[स]स भिछुनी दानं [*] The gift of the monk, the venerable Jeta (Jayanta).
No. 209. L. 1. पयफगुनस साधिविहारिनो
L. 2. खेमकम भिछुनो दानं [*] The gift of the monk Khemaka (Kshemaka), the fellow-wanderer of the venerable Phaguna (Phalguna).
No. 210. परपना पसाडस दानिं]ब-- The gift of Asada (Ashadha) . . . from Arapana.
No. 211. परपना पदा--- From Arapana . . . . .
No. 212. []रपानिया सिहय दानं [*] The gift of Siha (Simhá), inhabitant of Arapana.
No. 213. पसगुतस दानं [1] The gift of Asaguta (Afvagupta).
No. 214. पसभये उजेनिकाय भिनिये दान [*] The gift of Asabha, a nun of Ujjain.
No. 215. [प] खवतिय गामस-- (The gift) of the village of Asvavati (Asvavati).
* Inoised on the procession path. » Sec ante, p. 98, No. 16, and below No. 256.