ملك سليمان ابوالمجاهد محمد بی
الايمان رار عالميان - ذي الامن والامان الاهل کیهان فرمان فرمای
رمضان سده] ابی ریلس معلقشه السلطان حلدب حلافته وسلطاره في الغره من السهر المبارک
TRANSLATION. In the name of the merciful and compassionate God.
This high and world-adorning gate, and this lofty, heaven-touching portico were renewed in the reign of the Khalifa, the asylum of the world, whose court is the heaven, the lord of the kings of the universe, the ruler of mankind, who gives security and safety to the people of the Faith, the heir of the kingdom of Salomon, Abu'l Mujahid Muhammad, son of Tughluq Shah, the king-May his kingdom and rule be perpetuated ! In the beginning of the blessed month of Ramazan, 732 (27th May, 1332).
Muhammad Shah's inscriptions, which have been published up till now, are of the years 726 (Proc. of the As. Soc. Beng. for 1873, p. 199), 732 (Proceedings for 1874, p. 72), and 737 (Journal of the 48. Soc. Beng., vol. XLII, p. 299),--the last also being from Bihar,
21. On the Dargâh of Ibrahim Abû Bakr Malik Bayya's shrine, which lies on n hill to the north-west of the town, dimensions 5' 1" by 1' 2" two lines
نرررز بادا در بهار ملك تا کی کي بر شاهان بینی کشت فیروز کی بد دردن جر ابراهیم کدن توز بدست جون سپرده از مهردرین سوز مسافر شد ملك در جنب این روز
اخرین اسان حساب کنی
جهان کیر
شاه دولت بعهد
سلطان سرور
جهان شهنشاه ملك سحرت ملكة بير براهيم بماه ذی الحجه یکشنبه از دهر باجرت هفصد ر بنجه سه تاریخ
بر ری خداوندا بفضل خویش
TRANSLATION. Metre : lazaj -
In the time of the reign of the world-conquering Shah (may the power of the new year's day be in Bihår!), the king of the world, Fîrôz, the king who was victorious over the kings of the universe. The king of virtue Malik Bayya Ibrahim, who in the faith was as zealous as Abraham, in the month of Zi'l Hijja, on a Sunday, of the time when thirteen sun-burnt (days were passed) (?), in the year 753 A. H. (20th January 1353), travelled on that day to Paradise. O Lord, in Thy kindness, make the account of the last day light for him!'
Respecting Malik Bayyû, who is, par excellence, the saint of Bihar, see Journal As. Soc. Beng., vol. XLII, p. 300.
22. From the Bayley Sarâi at Bibâr. Two lines (size 1' 5" by 8 in.)
بناردم یازدهم ماه رجب رجب قدره سنه ستون تسعماية ناران شهيد پسر حاجی اسحاق مرة جل [۶]
بناء اینجا ...... برسد بررح حقه فانیه کان اذا لنا[س] [5] درین مقام حفيه أرباع رحوض
This archaie spelling, instead of kill, occurs Beveral times in the inscriptious.