(V. 20.) From him was born the lord of the earth Vijayasimha, whose beauty was justly celebrated by all men, who by the vigour of his heroism made his adversaries' fortunes totter, (and) the moon of whose fame (accordingly) was always waxing in the world.
(21.) His loving wife was the handsome daughter of Udayaditya, the ruler of the realm of Málava-Syåmaladevi, a gem granting the desires of the nobly.conducted, (and herself) a votary of Fortune.
(22.) As Menå bore to the chief of mountains the beloved of Samkara, (and) Viriņi to Daksha, the creator of beings, the wife of the Moon, so she bore to that prince, able to protect the world, Alhaņadevi, in appearance the unsullied fluttering pennon of her long pedigree.75
(23.) Having wedded her with due rites, the king Gaya karna bestowed on her the most ardent affection, as Samkara did on Siva.
(24.) And she, a mansion of amorous passion, a beaker (brimful) of accomplishments, a garland of the graces, & store house of excellent qualities, bore to king Gayakarna a son, the prince Narasimhadeva.
(25.) May the rising moon of the fame of this illustrious king Narasimhadeva richly saturate as it were the walls of the quarters with a pleasing whitewash; and may the earth, having secured in him a suitable lord, experience such delight-as never to think, however little, of its former great rulers!
(26.) May victory attend his younger brother Jayasim hadeva, who in marvellous ways serves the first-born as Sumitra's son" (did Ráma); who, behold I, when he lifts his hand, overpowers the enemies' most gigantic host, though it roars like thunderclouds" and practises many wiles ! -
(27) That noble Alhanadevi, the mother of the illustrious Narasimhadeva, ordered this temple of the Moon-crested (god) to be built, together with that cloister with wonderful floors.
(28.) She too made her people construct that hall of study, (and) lay out that long line of gardens, in two ranges (adjoining) Sambhu's temple.
(29.) To make known her good report, the queen gave to this god, styled Vaidyanatha, the village named Nama üņdi together with every income (thereof), in the Jauli pattalá.
(30.) And on the right bank of the Narmada, in the land adjoining the hills, she gave to him another village, named Makarapataka.
(31.) May the Pasupata ascetic, the holy Rudraśiva of Lâţa lineage, arrange conformably to rule for the management of this place, so long as Siva pervades" the worlds -
(32.) In the Mauna lineage, possessed of the triple pravara Bhargava, Vaitahavya, and Savetasa," there was born from one named Maheśvara Dharanidhara, (a moun. tain) by name, by weight, by fame, and by fortune.
7* Or, of a lofty flag-staff (vamsa)'. 76 Le, Laksbmana.
17 Meghanada and Atikaya are also the names of two sons of the demon R&Fana; and Praharta was one of Råvana's generals.
7 Or rather, 'is coextensive with'. 7" Compare the Asvaldyana-frautasitra, Calcutta ed., p. 872. # The word dharanidhara bus this mouning.