have caused this religious edict to be written, (vis.) that men may thus act accordingly, and that it may endure for a long time. And he who will act thus will perform a deed of merit.
REMARKS. a. I explain apasinate by apásradam, used in the senge of apásravatdam. It may be noted that the Jainas possess a term anhaya, which exactly corresponds to asinada, and is derived, like the latter, from danu (see Weber: Indische Studien, vol. XVI, P. 326, note 7). Piyadasi's theory of the dsinada, which is more fully developed in the next ediot, does not agree with the Buddhist doctrine of the threefold or fourfold ásada, but comes closer to that of the Jains anhaya, which includes injury to living beings, lying, stealing, unchastity, and attachment to worldly possessions.
6. The usual interpretation of chalhudáne by cha khu dáne cannot stand, because the enclitic words cha and khu cannot begin a sentence, and because the continuousness of the syllables in the text does not permit their being taken as parts of two sentences. The metaphorical use of chakhu, in Sanskrit chakshus, 'eye,' for spiritual insight or knowledge,' is common with all Hindu sects. Piyadasi alludes here to the dharmaadDanáni and dharmánusathini, sermons on, and instruction in the sacred law,' of which he speaks more fully below (VII, 2, 1. 1); compare also dhammadáne (Rock Edicts XI and the note to the latter passage).
EDICT III. Dehli-Sivalik. Dehu Mirat.
Allahabad. Devanan-piye Devanam-piye
Piyadasi-lájá- Devånam Piyadasi-lAja- bevar-&4[0]
piye Piyadasi Maja
kayanaṁm va- hevath Aba[:] kay&nam-eva dehevam-ah& [.] kay&namm-eva-de
aekba)(:) . m. [10] kayåne- khati [.] iya-me[17] kayane-ka.
khati(:) iya me kaydve kate ti kate-tic) No mini-p&part-de- 1.1 No mina Anakar dekhatir1 te-ti[.) No-mina-pâpań-dekbati
khati(o) [i]yam-me-påpat-kate- [:] yan-me-ppe-kate-ti iyan
iyum me påpake kate ti iyan ve ti iyan v.][11] Asinave-nå [ml]-ti vá-Aainave[18] námi-ti[.] Dupa
Asingve n&mi ti[8] ..... tivekhe-cha-kho-es! (.)
[.]" Dupativekhe-chu-kho-eed
Hevam- l. Hevar-ohu .. [ djekhiye cho-kho-esa-dekhiye(:) imani(19) 127 filmini-AsinavagCâmîni)dainavagamini-nama atba-nhanh
nams atbals chamdiye nithadiye nithdliye kodhe måne isya
liye-kodbe[13] mape isya kalade[80] kalanena-va-hakam ml-pali.
ne-v[«]" hakan-md-palibhasa). bhasayisam [.] Esa-badha-de- yiga
c hidhe n yisa (.). . hadbam(14) dekhiye [.]
iet ........... khiyo [:) iyam-me[21) hidatikaye
datiksye iyam .e [hidati]kaye iyam-meiyat-mana-me pelatik&ye [.21)
pålatikâye [.16)
Rámpúrvá. Devanan-piye Piyadasi-lája Devanan-piye Piyadasi-14ja he- Devanan-piye Piyadaal-IAJE hovat-Aba[:] kayînarm-eva-de- vam-Aba[e] kayananm-eva-dekh- khumti []iyar-me-kayane-kate-ti anti[:]iyam-me-kay&ne-kate-ti [.]
hevar-Aba :) kay&namm-e .. [] No-mina-papan-dekhanti(0)
. . No-mina-papan [18] [o]khanti1878 relkbos
. . . No-mina-p&par
. . . . . am-dekhamtio yam-me-ppe-kate-ti [11]. iyam- iyam-me-ppe-kate-ti iyan.ve ... [9] iyan-va-d Bina V6-08va-Leinave-nam-ti[.) Dupative. Asinave-námk-ti(.) Dupațivekhe. ma-ti[.] Dupațivekhe-chu-khokbo-chu-kho-esa (.) Hevam-cbu- chu-kbo-ess [.] Hevam-chu-kho- esa(e) Ho-[v.] ...... kho-ema-dekhiye[:] imani-esideve- esa-dekhiye[:14] imâni-heinave ..........
Posibly ndma-ti is to be read.
» The apparent vowel-stroke to the left of atha is probably an accidental versteh. . Ponible ed is to be rond.