eclipse, at the holy bathing-place of the confluence of the Aruna" (and Godavari) at: Nasik. And line 114gives the name of the writer of this basana-patta, Kesava. upadhyaya, who (in lines 114-116) asks the indulgence of the reader for any mistakes, and winds up with the remark that no verbal deficiencies of this document will affect its validity.
The date of this inscription does not work out satisfactorily. The Jovian year Sårvarin, mentioned in line 110, correctly corresponds, by the southern luni-solar system, to the expired Saka year 922, given in lines 1-2%3; but there was no solar eclipse on the new-moon tithi of either the pirnimánta or amanta Bhadrapada of that year,-the 2nd and 31st August, A.D. 1000. There was a solar eclipse a month later, on the 30th September, A.D. 1000, but it was not visible in India.
First plale. L. 1. श्री [नमः] सि(शि)वाय । स्वस्ति शकनृपका[लातीतसंवत्सरशतेषु नवसु हाविंश
2. [त्यधिकेचंकतोपि संवत्सरा: ८२२ ॥ वयमपि भुवनानामीषदुबो3. [ष]मानाप्रभवति लयशेषं यनिमेषादुपैति [*] पतिथयि4. तचरित्नो योगिनामप्यगम्यः स इह जयतु देव:* चारुच5. [न्द्राक मौलिः ॥१ । भुवन भवनहेतुः दुष्कृताम्भोधिसतुः विहितम-1 6. दनमाथ: पावतीप्राणनाथः ॥(1) निहतमकदरोस(य): पातु भिश7. ममोशः । करतलकृतशूल: सबंदा चन्द्रचूल: ॥ युगस्यादी 8. य[भुर्भुवनमसजनवमूर्तिस्त्रेधा मुररिपुविरिंचप्रभवत: ॥(0) ७. वि[रि]चेः संभूतः सकलमकतां योनिरमलो मरीचिर्या(य)वी10. [तिभ्रमति भुवने कुन्दविशदा । ३ । “पतृ(वि)नामाभवत्तस्यामनुस्म11. त्यपरायणः । तत्मनुरिन्दुराख्यातो जगदानन्दमन्दिरम(म्) । ४ । 12. "ततीभवनिर्मलसीमवंशजो विशालभूपालगुणालयं हि . 13. य: [*]पुरूरवा भूपतिरईमासनं सदा सुरेन्द्रस्य व(ब)भाज लीलया 1. "अभूदायुस्तस्यावृपतिरमरैर्बन्धचरितो ठाक्रान्तारा15. तिप्रणतचरणाम्भोजयुगल: [*] ततो जातो यास्मिनघुष-" 16. पतिीच्छ छ)नमिषाझिलेख स्वस्था[ख्या: स्वभुजविजयी चन्द्रफलके । । 17. अजनि नधुषभूपाङ्गमिपालो ययातिखिदशमहितकी18. सिंझेरलमीबिलास:। [1] किमिव गुणगणोसौ व रयतेस19. स्व सान्याजगदवननिमित्त यादवानां प्रसूतिः ॥८॥प
17 See the Bombay Gazet/cor, vol. XVI (Nasik), p. 524 : their general sense is apparent, do not admit of proper Aruna tirth is where the Aruna joins the Gudavail near construction. Ham's Pool'.
* Metre, Sloka (Anushtabh). " From an ink-impression, prepared by Mr. H. Cousens. » Metre, Vamiasthe. 19 Metre,MAlint%3 and of the next verse.
» From here the numbers of the verses are wrong. > Here and in other places below which it is unnecessary Metre, Sikharint. to point out nejrately the rules of anidhi have not been - Read यखाब observed.
. The two aksharar स्थाख्यिा ?] were originally ormitted, 1 The akshara y was originally omitted, and is engraved and are engraved above the line. above the line between fa and fo.
Metro, Malint; and of the next verse. 11 This sign of punctuation is superflous. In the preced I believe the reading intended to be fou nft ing the metre is incorrect.
are:, although this would offend against the metre. Metre, Sikharinl. In the first half of the verse five Here I would propose reading fafav yvedtet ve syllables have been omitted, and the worde given, though
. * The akshara in brackets, as engraved, is g.