18. Over the southern doorway of the same tomb is found another inscription of two lines; the stone measures 9' 51" by 11. It runs
معظم رمکرم میان خواجه خضر بعون الله تبارک و تعالی و فضله عمارت کنید این حظیره بند کي ميل
شیرداني مرحوم مغفور بن دریا خان بن شیخ المشایخ شیخ احمد بن ملك المشايخ شيخ مندركي دریش عليهم الرحمة والغفران
ممهد فراعد السلام والدین ظل الله في العالمين مقطع قصبة سونپته درعهد حضرت سلطان السلاطين
شاه سلطان خلد ملکه وسلطانه تمام شد الرائق بتائید الرحمن [ ابر] المظفر ابراهیم شاه بن سکندر شاه بن بهلول بفرمایش لنگرخان خضر در پانزدهم ماه رجب رجب قدرة سنه ثلثين وتسعمایه
"With the help of God, who is blessed and exalted, and by His grace, the building of the vault of this tomb of the great and noble saint, Miyán Khwaja Khizr, the deceased, the pardoned, son of Darya Khån, son of the Shaikh of Shaikhs, Shaikh Ahmad, son of the king of Shaikhs, Shaikh Mandaki Darwêsh of Shirwan-may God have mercy and pardon upon them -
“The muqti' of the town of Sonpath, was completed in the time of his Majesty the king of kings, who confirms the laws of Islam and the faith, the shadow of God in both worlds, who trusts to the aid of the Merciful, Abu-l Muzaffar Ibrahim Shah, son of Sikandar Shah, son of Buhlul Shah, the king-may God perpetuate his kingdom and his reign!-by order of Langar Khân Khizr, on the 15th Rajab-may its honour increase !930 [19th May 1524]."
19. Over the central outer arch of a small masjid in the sarai near the dispensary, on a brown sandstone slab (21" by 13"), are two lines. The stone belonged originally to a tomb which is now used as a police rest-house :
یا الله لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله با عامر اغفر زنربي (ie) با الله
اني حطرة علمان برادر محمود خان افغان مقطع قصيه سره راست کنانید در مهد بابر بادشاه در ماه صفر سنه سبع بلس رسعمایه
"O God! There is no God, etc. O forgiving ! forgive me my sins, O God!
This tomb has been built by 'Ali Khan, brother of Mahmud Khan, the Afghan, muqti' of the town of Sonpath, in the time of BAbar Padishah, on the second of the month Şafar 937' [25th September 1530].
All Khan belonged to the Farmult tribe and is mentioned in Babar's Memoirs as 'Umdat al A'yák 'Ali Khân Shaikhzâda-ya Farmuli, in the battle against Rana Sanka (938); in 985 A.E, he was sent against the rebel Baban (pp. 416, 436, 482). Abu-l-Fazl has inserted the same statements in his Akbarnáma.
20. Over the outside of a doorway, leading to the west from the enclosure of Imam Naptr, is a sandstone slab (3' 5" by 1' 3") containing 16 bemistichs in four lines :
روزکارست بنای
تا ندیده که در میدان مردي شهريارست
بنای ابمانند
زینسان بعالم هیچکس
شهنشاهي بوراي
# Both imoriptions have been published by Blochmaun in the Proceedings of 4. Soc. Beng. 1873, May, p. , etseg. Mr. Delmerick there identifies the Khwaja biar with the homonymous Khan, who is several times mentioned by Firiabtu.
Cor. from