(APRIL, 1933
Kal, katsur, machitěcal, Dushmaney paighambar and. The dark brown complexioned, the brown-haired, and the freckled Are the enemies of the prophet (i.e., are found to be wicked). Khry, chěv ranga-teari ; Anz lug wila-bari. The cinnamon tree-sparrow ate (and) drank ; [But] the grey goose was caught in the trap. (An innocent person caught instead
of the real offender.) Kulas chè krit. A high class person has to discharge obligations. (Noblesse oblige.) Limbi phulmut pamposh. A lotus bloomed out of the silt. (A beautiful child born of ugly parents.) Lori hatha loyi ta marday drák. A hundred blows with a rod were dealt to thee, and thou provedst to be a brave
fellow. (To flatter & person after having once quarrelled with him.) Lak kami lásu ta budh kami mor! Who would think that the young might live and the agod might die ? (Death is no
respecter of age.) Magghi mo gatsh mdgasey. Do not go even to a feast during the Magha nakpatra. Note.-The Magha nakpatra (10th mansion of the moon) is considered inauspicious by the Hindus for going
on a journey. Maji Bhatta. Food served by mother. (The best food.) Maklody wat dishit chu sarodr guri petha wuthmut. On seeing a cob of maize corn the rider has descended from his horse (the corn
being so tempting). Muma, kon, sadan panay pul-maharaza. Muma, the one-eyed, burns within himself to be the vice-bridegroom (but he can.
not be chosen for this). (Said of a vainglorious person.) Natasha angrun cham tao; Gevaha geu khyom brári. I would dance [but) the courtyard is small; I would sing--the cat ate my ghé. (Idle excuses.) Matshan dud la monen chak. Milk in the breast and splashing it against the walls. (Prodigality; waste.) Nav lath navan dohan. A new matter for nine days. (A nine days' wonder.)
Ndo chum Lasi, Yasi rodtaas na tasi. Lasi is my name, To whomsoever I did not attend, he is displeased. (One cannot please everybody)