() Goa-stones, # named from Gasper Antonio, a Florentine lay-brother of the Paulistines. Like bezoar, Goa stones were in great repute for supposed medicinal virtues.
(1) For the etymology and explanation of the term bezoar, See Yule, Hobson-Jobson, under that heading. It was used as an antidote against snakebite and was obtained from cows, deer, goats and monkeys.
(172) MEMORANDUM OR PRICES FOR SILKS OR PIECE GOODS FROM CHINA MOST VENDIBLE HERE [OSTEND). 2000 ps. gilams(1) or silks cripper() from 12 to 12 ell, all whole and of good qualitys. 71 @ 8 guilder 1600 ps. do., the broad aorta 22 ell long, all white and good ..
.. 15 @ 16 guilder 2000 ps. paunses,() ordinary sort, wholly plain, 123 @ 131 ell long
.. .. f.77 1000 pe. do. of a richer sort, also wholly plain .. .. 1000 pg. do. still richer ..
.. .. @ f. 9 2000 ps, rollid Chinese pelongs,(*) all plain - .. ..
.. .. @ f. 20 500 pa. do., flower'd and sorted
.. @f. 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 But no pelongs Nanqueen 3000 ps. rollid taffeties sorted -- must be of brown colours
plain, sorted @ f. 30 ps. 20 white
20 blow mourant (6) 10 dark blew 10 yellow 15 divers oofty colours 16 divers groen 10 black
pe. 100
pe. 100 500 pa. striped do. under which there must be somo modest colours 3000 ps. damasten, as well poisees (6) as goosies(7)
pt. [blank]
| pt. plain, sorted @ f. 38 to 40 f. ps. 20 white
20 blow mourant 10 dark blew 10 geel(A) 20 divers coffee colours 10 groene 10 incarnatel)
above all, no black 6000 pe, light polonga, which most commonly come colour'd, but the more white there is under the better. These must not cost in India not above .. ..
.. .. .. .. 21 @ 2-here at 1.51 1600 ps. of plain gorgorang, (40) of very good quality, sorted - - - - - . 35
ps. 50 all sorts of coffee colours
15 blow mourant 10 dark blow 10 white 8 yellow 6 green
5 incarnate
pe. 100 1600 pe. plain satine, sorted as above .. .. - - - . .. .. .. @ 1.32 With the damasks, poisons and soonios must be observed that they be full of flowers, and not seperato, as we lately have had a great many.
[Notes on DOCUMENT No. 172.) C) Oilam must be golonga, for which se note on document No. 8, p. 89.
This word is a purslo. It may be a copyist's error for stripped, 1.., striped. (3) Soe note (8) on document No. 177.