NOVEMBER, 1933 ]
in order to pay your respoz.dentia per Bonila, and shall do it. The goods at Surat, Bombay and Carwar we shall take all imaginable care about. The John(1) ketch was safe as far as Carwar. As to the goods with Crampton, he has remitted in part-respondentia bonds on the Mary Anne galley at 17 per cent to the Mallabar Coast and back, Rs. 400, payable by Mr. Joseph Lovell : On the Carlisle at 12 per cent to this place, payable to Captain Wid. drington, Rs. 1000,(8) which we received in rupees. A bill of exchange on Mr. Benyon for 4000 rupees Madrass and 4116 rupees current at 10 per cent on the Pery brigantine(") to this place, which the persons who took it up not being able to pay without great loss by their goods which were design'd another voyage, we have continued rizt., to Captain Joseph Badman P. 644. 23 and to Mr. William Squier Ps. 96. 25. The remainder we are promis'd by the 15th instt.; the rest of your goods with him he writes he cannot sell, especially the tea, which is very bad.
Your doubtfull debts we shall write Mr. Phips about, but want further instructions from you. For your China ware with Mr. Saye he has remitted us Pags. 116. 31. 40.
As to your concern in the London, (10) we have look'd over your Stock note and find it specifies that the accounts of the ship are to be made up at the first unlivering port from Canton, and that the gain, deducting 300 pagodas in the price of the ship, shall be remitted on your risque, but if no accounts sent and advices of the ship's unlivering arrive, then to receive 25 per cent on your concern, which we shall take care of.
Mr. Hugonin's money is paid him as is also part of your dobt to the owners; of the remainder, as soon as money comes in, shall be cleared and Mr. Wendy be paid the 3000 pags. you order'd him. We have lent Mr. Court the money you order'd.
Your orders relating to Nina and Hercules(11) shall be obeyed. As to Messrs. Colebrooke's and Gibbons(12) respondentia we will take care to receive it of them. We sincerely wish you all manner of success and felicity and am, Sir.
Your most obliged and most obedient servants,
Nic. MORSE. Fort St. George Janry. 7th 1722.
[NOTES ON DOCUMENT No. 166.] (1) Their lotter is dated 10 January 1722/3, and they point out that Alexander Orma's debt to Scatter. good was "much larger than you seemed to imagine when you went away " and that they had thorotoro withdrawn Scattergood's "concern" in the Lusitania. They added that it was in vain to use other measures because we know he had no money with him," but as Hugonin was his attorney, ho could pay Scattergood " as fast as remittances came from Surat."
(2) The Success brigantine, Captain R. Peirce commander, arrived at Fort St. George from Bengal on 14 April and sailed again for the same Presidency on 14 May 1722 (Fort St. George Diary). The Oxford, a country ship, has not been mentioned before. She was voyaging between Madras and Bengal in 1720. For the Stratford see document No. 115.
(9) Thomas Coales, a factor in the Company's service at Calcutta. (*) Thomas Falconer, member of Council in Bengal, (5) See document No. 153. (6) See note (1).. (7) See document No. 153. () See document No. 155.
() The Perry brigantine, Captain Joseph Badman commander, voyaged between Bencoolen, Bengal and Madras in 1722.
(10) Soo document No. 153. (11) Servants of John Scattergood in Madras, (13) Officers of the Bonita,