promised to let him have one thousand pagodas at interost, which give him. I have likewise promised to let Mr. Thomas Wendey() (as soon as you have money) have two or three thousand pagodos for two or three years at interest at eight per cent, which pray give him, he haveing promised me to send home to me the interest every year at respondentia or bills. The remaining money, let at respondentia on what ships you judge convenient, and in case you cannot at respondentia, let it at interest.
The 18 sheets that I have deliver'd Mr. Toriano, pray gett washed and send them home by Mr. Hugonin() or by any Europe captain, marking them at the ends with such stuff as you put when you send cloth to the washerman. Mark them [monogram of J. S.] and desire Mr. Hugonin or the captain that carries them to use them and carry them foul ashore at Surratt.
I sold Mr. Ennis [Innes] 20 tubs of camphire; half of them belongs to Captain Harry. When you receive the amount of them, pay Captain Harries part to Mr. Sitwell.(5)
Mr. Maubert concerned me under him on the George bound to Moca, which Mr. Turner(1) will cloar. If you judga Mr. Rawson Hart will make any voyage the next year in his great ship(S) that will turn to account, you may concern me under him two or three thousand pagodas, and if you have more money in your hands then you can let out at respondentia or interest and you can concern me in a few ships that you judge may doe well, then I desire you to act as you think fitt.
[NOTES ON DOCUMENT No. 153.] (1) The Samuel, commanded by Seattergood's kinsman, Thomas Dixon, sailod from Fort St. George to Bengal on 8 March 1721/2 (Fort St. George Diary).
() Samuel Court, a free merchant. (3) Brother of the Reverend James Wondey, chaplain at Fort St. George since 19 January 1719/20.
(4) Francis Hugonin seems to have expressed his intention of returning to England whon ho ceasod to be Scattergood's attorney, but he did not really resign his post as gunner at Fort St. George and apply for leave to go to Europe until 8 January 1723/4 (Consultation Book of Fort St. George).
(5) George Sitwell, free merchant.
(6) Tho George brigantine, William Middleton, master, was sent to Moco Moco in Sumatra for a lading of pepper in 1720 (Consultation Books of Fort St. George, 1720 and 1721).
(1) Nathaniel Turner, at this dato Socond in Council and "Accomptant" at Fort St. Georgo.
(8) The "great ship" was probably the Elizabeth in which Rawson Hart, a "sofaring man in the Madras service, made a voyage to Bengal in 1723 and returned to Madras on 28 May (Port St. George Diary).
[154] A list of Papers deliver'd Messrs. Torriano and Morse(1) the 28th June 1722. No. 1. Mr. Mauberts note for my concern in the Shaw Allum and Charles(3) under him.
2. Messrs. Sterling and Campbell's note for my concern in the Prosperous.(3) 3. Auga Nuree's respondentia bond.() 4. Stephen Orme's note for my concern in the Lusitania(5) to Surat. 5. Alexander Orme's respondentia bond. 6. Mr. Medeiros note for the respondentia bought of him on ship Prosperous
lost,(6)but put down for a memorandum.
N. B. I have received 2 dividd. of Mr. Madeiros on this account. 7. Captain John Houghtons two respondentia bonds on the King George(?)
which are to be sent home. 8. Messrs. Markham and Barret's do.() 9. Mr. Taylor's receipt for ten chests of tea. 10. Captain Dabbadies note for my concern in the John(8) ketch.