Scattergood's business acumen was in high repute among his acquaintances as is shown by their willingness to associate themselves with him in his latest scheme.
(150) Whereas Messrs. John Scattergood and Thomas Hill have taken up and hired of the Honble. William Phipps Esqr., President &ca. Council of Bombay, the King George, burthen about five hundred tunns, for the summ of twenty thousand rupees for an intended voyage to China and Surrat, (the) stock designed to be one hundred and twenty thousand rupees, under the man[a]gement of the abovesaid hirers, those that are willing to be concerned in the said voyage, please to subscribe their names and the summ:
Rups. I William Phipps am content for ten thousand rupees .. .
10000 John Courtney (1) am content for two thousand rupees
2000 Hezekiah King am content for three thousand rupees ..
3000 Robert Newlin (Newlyn) am content for one thousand five hundred rupees .. .. .. .. .. ..
1500 Geo[rge] Percivall am content for one thousand)
.. .. .. 1000 Robert Sutton am content for five thousand ..
5000 Robert Cowan is content for five thousand . .
5000 G. Vine is content for two thousand ..
2000 Ar. Upton for one thousand rupees. ..
1000 Wm. Henry Draper for one thousand rupees
1000 Eli Stanton [for one thousand rupees] ..
1000 Tho. Yeomans am content for one thousand rupees
1000 John Courtney, for my second subscription I am content for more three thousand five hundred rupees ..
3500 Edward Massey am content for
1000 John Houghton (3) am content for . . J. Scattergood am content for twenty thousand rups...
20000 Thomas Hill (8) am content for fiveteen thousand rupees
15000 Thomas Hill for Robert Adams Esqr., thirty thousand rupees
30000 [Endorsed]
Subscription Paper for a China Voyage on the King George.
[NOTES ON DOCUMENT NO. 160.) (1) John Courtney was a member of the Bombay Council, and most of those named below him were Company's servants in that Presidency.
(2) Commander of the King George. (3) Supercargo, with Scattergood, of the King George.
The Bonita sailed from Bombay, as we learn from the Diary, on 15 April 1722. On the 7th Scattergood paid the following account for customs.
(151) Mr. John Scattergood to Bombay Customs
Dr. Per ship Bonetto from China vizt.
rup. gr. ann. 300 maunds tinn @0 rupees per md. 2850 @31 per cont. . .. 99. 3. -