[147] [Extract of a letter from John Scattergood to Jeremiah Bonnell, dated in Bombay,
9 March 1722.] Mr. Bonnell, Sir,
I received a letter from you by the pursar of the Lyon,() but that under Mr. Adams covert I had not, tho I was at Tillecherry. I came here with Captain Pitt() who told me that he should stay but two or three days, but was oblidged to stay a week and then went out and gott most as farr as Baseen [Bassein), w[h lere mett with all Angarys [Angria's] grabs and run after them as farr as Bombay again, w[h]ere meet with storm for two or three days, which drove us back as farr as Choul, so made our way again as farr as Varsaway,(3) w[h Jere the Fame sprang a great leak, so once more was forged to goe to Bombay again, which chagreened me so much as I thought I should fall sick. Here I was offer'd pretty good prices for ail my goods, and knowing the Hastings to be before me,(") made me strike up with Govr. Phipps to be paid in dollers,(), by which means I shall be able to goe on to the Mallabar Coast to load pepper which I could not doe if I went to Surratt.....
I re[main &c.]
[J. S.]
(NOTES ON DOCUMENT No. 147.] (1) A ship of the Royal Navy that had beon sent out with a commission to destroy the power of Angria.
(2) Scattergood apparently means that he sailed from Tellicherry in company with the Stanhope, Captain Wentworth George Pitt.
(3) Versova on Salsetto Island. (1) The Hastings had sailed from Canton in advance of the Bonita (see p. 247).
(6) Among the Papers there is a "Memorandum," dated 12 March, the day after the Bonita's return to Bombay, endorsed : "Agreement betwixt Mr. Phipps and myself for part of my cargo."
From Bombay Scattergood sent a short letter to his brother Elihu Trenchfield, telling him of his future plans.
[148] Dear Brother,
I write this short letter per via Mocha (not knowing if it may have the good fortune to reach your hands) to let you know that I am at Bombay, where I have disposed of all my cargoe, and am in good health and hope to make an indeferent good voyage. From hence designe to goe to Callicut to load pepper and from thence to Madrass where, according as I receive letters from my friends in Europe,(') I shall either come home a passinger from Madrass or goo to China, and from thence proceed for England, for I am heartily tir'd of India and have not my health so well as I could wish.
Please to give my duty, love and service to every body where it is due for I write to no body this way...
J. S. Bombay March 25th 1722.
[NOTE ON DOCUMENT NO. 148.] (1) If Scattergood found much correspondence from Europe on his return to Madras, very little of it has been proserved. There is (1) a bottomry bond of £600 on the Cadogan, dated 19 October 1721, (2) a brief noto from Francis Acton regarding his investments (endorsed "Roceived the 14th June 1722"). (3) a bill of aalo of the Lyel, from Captain Charles Small to Scattergood, dated 2 December 1721, and (4) there are also the letters from his daughter Elizabeth, and Anne and Elihu Trenchfield already noted (400 p. 247); but none of those contain matter caloulated to influence the movements of their recipiont.