JULY, 1933]
barbarians, who are glad of the least handle to plague people. We cannot learn the particulars, but this afternoon Mr. Colebrook, who is Mr. Scattergood's purser, was hall'd to prison, and Mr. Scattergood himself was endeavour'd to be trappan'd into their clutches, tho' both these gentlemen were here at Canton, and the fact committed, without either of their knowledge, about Wampo. This affair will give him a great deal of trouble and put him to vast charges in a country where upon much less appearance of reason, the Mandarins er.deavour to rake and scrape all the mony they possibly can from all mankind."
Captain Harry replied to Scattergood's angry letter, disclaiming all responsibility in the matter.
November the 23d 1721. Mr. Scattergood, Sir,
Your letter surprises me very much. I knew nothing of the mattar. That (the “ South Sea ") ship had no boat and could not go over the barr without our long boat, therefore lent the boat to them. In comeing down, some of these people was in the long boat, and as I can find, one David Griffin fired a piece at some of them. The fellow is now on board Captain Newsham. Our men had no armes with them. I cant deliver him up being not in my possession. I am much conserned, but remaine your most humble servant.
Scattergood must have repeated his severe remarks in a second letter to Captain Harry for, on 24 November, the latter replied :
November the 24th 1721. Mr. Scattargood,
I have yours of yesterday. I thought you had a better opinyon of me then to think I did designe to keep any of them people. You need not punish me with threats, I am more punished then those that are in irons. The man is sent up by the lingua. There was two pieces fired, the other by one of our people. The man is now confined on board of us. I see no other remodey then use of the best indeavers to git off as well as you can. I am verey sencable of the cause of this disaster, but out of my power to remedey.
I am, Sir, your most humble servant,
Scattergood, to whom the delay in the departure of the Bonita was of serious consequence, no doubt used overy means to settle the affair, but for two days Captain Harry heard nothing from him, and on 27 November he wrote again :
November the 27th 1721. Mr. Scattargood, Sir,
I am very inpatient to know how things are, or what we are to expiect. Captain New. shams mato have brought that David Griffens chest on board of us. I thought it the best way to tack it on bord. There is no doubt but he was the man that shott the Chinaman. Edward Clark and Robert Crawford saw him fire and the man fale back in the sampan before the other man had fired his piece. I beg you may acquaint me as soon as you can, being very oneasey.
I romain, Sir, your most humble servant,
JOHN HARRY, Robert Crawford went up with the lingua.