( MAY, 1933
"palempore workt with gold and silk, "a" toilet of white silk do.," a "gown and petticoat do." and "6 ps. gawze white ground and gold flower."
For his friends, Richard and Cornelia Horden, Scattergood bought coloured "poisees," taffeta, satin and ribbons, according to "muster," " white copper" (tutenaga)" baticas," tea canisters, tobacco pots, " sundrys, as toads, horses, &c.," and china flower pots.
The "Memorandum Book " also records transactions with the captains and supercargoes of the Company's and Ostend ships anchored at Whampoo and with “Quinqua, alias Cudgen, for 50 shooes of gold 93 touch for one hundred and six tale doller money for 10 tale wt. gold." There are besides notes of gold procured in exchange for Spanish dollars, duocatoons, &c.
Of Scattergood's dealings with Chinese merchants at Canton between September and December 1720 there are full details in an "Account Book” which covers some twenty pages. Goods were bought of, and sold to, Pinkee, Tucksin, Cudgin, Cowlo, Lolly, Boqua the birdman, Phillis, Chounqua, Byqua, Sinqua, Tonsey and Mr. Joss Hinqua, the largest dealings being with Cowlo. A specimen of these accounts is given below.
[117] Cowlo
To 1 pair large carpetts
-5 small do. ..
.. ..
113. 3. - By 100 ps. gold vizt. 40. - - 45 ps. 97 tou. T. m. c.
pz. 400.3.3
55 ps. 93 537.0.7 - - -
977. 4. 0 6240. 6. 4 makes 996. 3 4 of 93 touch
1 ps. gold delivered the
birdman() 1 ps.do. to the goldsmith()
To 2 gold rose water bottles .. To cash paid in sundry species.
To do. in duccatoons from
Cudgins 11494. 2. 1 duccatoons 461. 8 7 dollers
--11956. 0. 8.. To do. in dollers from Mr.
Mortons in dollers 668 oz. is tales
.. To cash towards bale silk
11956. 0.8
By taffities 48 co[vids]
510 ps. at 4. 3.. ..
2193. - 2193.
By do. 10 pa. Madrass(")
4.3 . .. ..
633. 6. 6 2000. -.
By poisee(5) 4 ps. Ma.
drass 5. 8 .. ..
1830. 3. -
To Macco money(")
1057. 5. 9 By cosee 4 ps. Mad. 3.5
By poisee for Mrs. Hordens 23638. 2.7 musster] 6/6 6. 5 .. 20000.0.0 By 6 ps. gausee at 6 ..
Deduct for gold and tea.
3638. 2. 7 By 4 ps. velvetts ea : 38
long at 4 mace pr co[vid] .. . "
60. 8. -