[ MARCH, 1933
George Tullie(2) note dated 22nd June 1720 @ 8 per cent. per annum .. 1000 John Scattergood do. do. .do.
..11031. 33. 28 Do do do. do.
.. 1000 Wm. Colebrooke(3) do. 25th do. do. do. In cash
..10222. 32. 46 At respondentia Alexander Orme's bond 13th June 1720 on the ship London(*) to Surrat as
far as Goa and back at 15 per cent .. .. .. .. .. .. 1000 Stephen Orme's bond 13th June 1720 on the Lusitania, Capt. Dixon, to
Pegu, (6) Goa and back to this place 25 per cent .. .. .. .. 2000 Samuel Courts bond 22nd June 1720 on the Windsor(5) to Surrat and
back 20 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1000 John Scattergoods note 25th June 1720 on the Jerusalem to Malacca,(6)
Surrat and back to this place 25 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. 3030. 28. 18 Wm. Colebrookes note 25th June 1720 to Canton and back 16 per cent .. 190. -.
Govr. and Councill's Bill of Exchange on the East India Company for
account of Mr. Richard Mead(6) Junr. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1685. 30. 22 Mr. Burtons(') release to Scattergood and Harris .. . Catesby Oadhams(8) order to bring from China in gold what money he had
left behind last year being .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 300. -,Luis Madeira['s)(R) order to bring from China in gold what he has left
behind in China last year .. .. .. .. .. .. pags..37725. 22. 12
Received the above papers and moneys which I promise to be accountable for
7. HUGONIN. Fort St. George, 25 June 1720.
[NOTES ON DOCUMENT No. 114.) (1) Samuel Court, supercargo of the Sampson, appears in the list of "persons not constant inhabitants" at Fort 8t. Goorge in 1720.
(*) George Tullie," Notary Publick," Register of the Mayor's Court at Fort St. George. () William Colebrooke, purser of the Bonita.
(1) The London, Captain Charles Wybergh (wee p. 188, note (2) on Document 91), had arrived at Fort St. George from Surat on 26 March 1720.
(5) For Scattergood's interest in the Lusitania and Jerusalem, see ante, p. 216. The Windsor, Capain William Guillim, arrived at Fort St. George from Surat on 25 May 1720.
(*) Probably a son of Penelope Meal, widow, inhabitant of Fort St. Georgo in 1720. (1) Augustus Burton, senior merchant at Fort St. George. He came to India as a writer in 1709. (8) Catesby Oadham, factor and assay master at Fort St. George.
(0) Captain Luiz de Madeiros, also called Lewis Madera, who commanded the Brampore in 1712 (see noto on Document 29, p. 108), was a non-constant inhabitant of Fort St. George in 1720. He acted as interpreter to the Council in May of that year (Diary and Consultation Book of Port St. George, 1720, p. 79).
As in the year 1717, when in Europe (see Document 78 on p. 168), before leaving Madras for China, Scattergood drew up a stateinent of his busir ess transactions, this time both in Europe and Asia.