( $372
We also find aspiration transferred, as in My. ghadā, for gadahā (gardabha-), an ass; v bhai., for baih (Kš. v beh-), sit.
VOCALIZATION OF SEMIVOWELS. 372. Vocalization (samprasarana) of y and v was common in Prakrit (Pr. Gr. 88 151 ff.). The i or & and u or 8 thus formed have undergone the usual vicissitudes in the IAVs, and do not concern us here. IAV. vocalization of y and v have been discussed at some length in $$ 178 ff. Cf. also $8 238 ff. (e), 244 ff. (ē), 251 ff. (ai), 254 ff. (c), 258 ff. (ö), 263 (ở), and 267 ff. (au). In these the change of aya >ē, ava>, &c., and the connexion between ya and e, yā and ē, wa and o, o, and wā and o is fully discussed, and it is unnecessary to repeat the examples.
Intervocalic y, which is not due to the ya-sruti, does not occur in Apabhramśa. A Prakrit or Apabhramsa intervocalic v is frequently vocalized in IAV. Tadbhavas. When the Prakrit has 7, the nasalization is usually, but not always retained. Thus : áparam, other ávaru
H. B. aur, H. aru (with metathesis), but Bg.
ār, and. náma, name náma or náðu IAV.nām or nãv (pr. nã@). grāmaḥ, village gáma or gáðu IAV. gav (pr. gãa). smarámi, I
súbaraŭ OH. starał. remember némih, a
máới - G.H.B, vẽo or mếu, Bg. méo, 0, mia (pr, niỏ). foundation And so on in many other cases. Words such as não, gão are as often as not written nõu, gãu; nãi, gãū; não, gão ; não, gãô, with long or short final u or o.
In the formation of semi-Tatsamas, when y or v forms the second member of a Sanskrit conjunct consonant, this vocalization is common. For the change, in such cases, of ya to e, see $ 239, and of yā to Bengali æ,see $211. As examples for other languages we may quote:
Skr. kányā, a girl.
P. H. B. Ph. kánia or kánea, S. kániyā (with cuphonic
y inserted) or káñā (cf. Ps. Pr.). . nyáyah, justice,
S. P. H. Ph. niái or niáu. anyah, other.
OH. ani, other. Cf. M. Tbh. ani, other, and. pratyákpaḥ, visible.
H. partich janyayátrā, a marriage H.P. janét.
procession. So H.P.B. vitit, Bg. vetita (vyatīta.), elapsed ; H.P.B. vitha (vyatha), pain ; vidiā (vidyā), learning, and many others.
For v in semi-Tatsamas, we may quote as examples :(Intervocalic) svabhāvah, nature.
H. B. P. Ph. subháu, and so many other similar words,
when the v follows the stress-accent. (In conjuncts)
svárah, a musical note. H. B. P. Ph. M. sur, S. súr. svárgaḥ, heaven.
S. súrg, H. súrag, P. surg. paraméśvarah, God.
H. B. P. Ph. par mésur