$ 357)
Medial Ts. v. has the same fate in all except in Bg. and O., where it becomes b. Note that in A. a medial Ts. v retains its sound of v or, rather, w. In B., as usual, the letter when not vocalized has an obscure sound fluctuating between b and v. Thus, Skr. pávanam, wind; G. pon, S. pávan" or (Tbh.) paun", P. L. (Tbh) paun, all other IAVs. pávam, exc. Bg. O. pában.
[For a much more exhaustive examination of the mutual relationship of j-y and b-v in the various languages, from which much of the above has been drawn, see Hl. Gd. Gr. 88 17, 18. Cf. also FLM. 152 ff.].
367. In the Dardic languages, the use of a euphonic y is as common as in IAV. For examples, see § 296.
In Eranian, an original initial y or v becomes j or b, respectively, in Standard Persian, but remains unchanged in the dialects. (GIP. I, ii, 385, 415.) I have noted a similar change of initial y >j in the following:
Siyni yet, come; V. r jotz-; but Wai, ratsh-, Bš. pr +VetsSkr. ry., go; Gwr. r jā., come; but others yël-, yi-, i(h)., ai-, &c.
Waxi r yav., eat; KI. Kh. Všu-, Gwr. rio- (through *ju, *jo); but others yu-, &c. They are few in number and all initial. I know of no certain case of Drd. y <j.
Otherwise, an initial y is generally preserved, as in Ks. $. yech, a fairy: B. yūš, a devil (valcea-); Kš. yod (yuddha-), fighting ; yus, who (ya-); yeduwai (yadi), if. Such words are, however, few in number.
Original b, when it is not hardened to p (351), generally remains unchanged. In Av. būza, Bš. wez-eh, Aš. wasä, Wai. wasei, a she-goat, the change b> w had already occurred in Talcah (Šiyni vaz, Yüdyā, viza).
Original v generally remains unchanged in Kš. In other languages it often, but not always >b. Thus :(a) Initial.
Skr, vartman-; Kš. wal-, a road; So S. wat", L. wāļ. Skr. vanos-; Kg. win, but Bš ben, a forest. Skr. vāla.; Kg. wal, but My. bala, Gwr. Trw. bāl, Tir. bāla, S. bālo, hair.
Skr. vimsati- ; Ks. wuh, Bx. vitsi, Wai." viši, Aš. wiši, Paš. wöst; but Kl. biši, Kh. bišr, Trw. Grw. My. biš, twenty.
Av. vära., Skr. var; Paš. war-k, water. Aryan raadh. ; $ r wal-, Trw.r wäl-, bring (GIP. I, ii, 417), Bš. awaya, brought. Av. vaen-āmi, I see; Bš. r war., Aš. rwin., Wai. Varer. (=ven.), see.
Skr. r vat-, vant-, divide; Paš. wante, but Bš. bar-este, V. but-og, and so others, a share, including Kš. -bat-, a share, and Ag. r mat., divide. (6) Medial.
Here the v is most often vocalized (see $ 372) but there are instances of the retention of , and occasionally of its being hardened to p, through b, as well as of the simple change to b. Thus
Skr. krkavaku-; KI. ka kawak, & cock. Prs. lavand; Aš läwen, Wai, laver (laven), Gwr. lavand, Paš. lawant, but Bš. lonē, a slave. Av. hizū, Šiyni zēv, Skr. jihva; Aš. žū, Ks. zev, Gwr. zib, Trw.jib, My. zēb, Ş. jip. Av. jli)vant-; Bx. çürcă, alive. Av. gēva-; Bš. ev, V. ip-in, Trw.e, one. Skr. sava.; Kš. hapo, a corpse.
Skr. dravya.; $. jap, property.
The causal termination Skr. āpaya., Pr. årē, retains the v (w) in Kš. as in karanāwun, to cause to be done.