[$ 353
Compare Bg. and R. (J.) car., mount (R. also r char), but others carh., &c. The derivation of this root is to me doubtful. Cf. HI. R. 45 and cadai in Hc. iv, 205.
>t sikthak, boil
sitthu (Hc. M. sit, but H. EH. B. sith. ed rice
ii, 77) hastae, the
M. Bg. A. O. R. hāt, others häth, &c. forearm kástikak, an
M. hatti, Bg. 0. hati, A. hati, others häthi, &c. elephant práslarak, a
pattharu Bg. pátar, páchar; others patthar, pathar, &c. stone The form hat, instead of häth, sometimes occurs in H. (Br.) and is no doubt borrowed from the neighbouring R. The Br. to, was, may possibly be an instance of disaspiration, and would then be connected with the Hn. thă (sthitab). Cf. CPh. (Km. Sõriyāli) thyü or tyo, he was (LSI, IX, iv, 241). So, in CPh. (Km. Askoti) the word for to' is that or tai. Regarding the B. girhast for grhasthah, see $ 278.
dh>d sáchyam, a thing
· Bg. sTs. sād, a wish. to be accom
plished. dugdham, milk diddha Bg. dudh, dud, dúddu, R. dūd, EPh. (so also S.)
dut (with hardening); others duddh, dūdh, &o. grdhrak, a
giddhu M. gidh, gid, G. gid (cf. Kš. gå, $351), others vulture
giddh, gidh, &c. ádhikam, more
G.sTs. adaka. árdha lab, half áddhau R. (J.) ado; others ādha, &c. So R. (J.) v båd.,
others bådh., bind ; r lād-, get, but S. ladho,
got. nhn cihnam, a mark cinhu or H. EH. B., r сinh- or cin-, recognize, EPh.
cindhu (Hc. rcin-, recognize, cīnu, a mark,
ii, 50). php vanasphar
vanapph. R. banāphar or baņāpar, N. of a Rājput tribe. naḥ, N.P.
(See JBORS. VI (1920), 150.). spársah, touch- phárisu (Hc. H. EH. B. P. M. páras, G. páras, A. Vpad., ing
iv, 182)
Bg. spársa (pr. porso). Cf. Bg. spásta, pr.
pošto, clear. bh>b
See s. bfkcha, békh, in $ 352. So Dērā wāl
L. bukkh, hunger. So also :dárbhah, a
dabbhu or H. dābh or dāb, others dabbh, dābh, &o. grass
*dabbhu jihvā, a tongue jibbha A. jíbā, others jibbh, jūbh, &c. Other examples are G. (Bhili) pūta, for bhūta, a devil; pukh, for bhūkh, hunger (351) Dödi Sirāji (a mixed dial., Kš, and LAV.) buto, he was (bhūtab); R. (J.) bhi or bi, also; WPh. (Kth.) bitrē, within, for H. bhitar, and bäi, a brother, for H. bhai. In these last Dardic influence has been at work.