EBRUARY, 1933 )
($ 238-237
and it, itself, becomes a non-original ü-mātrā, which does not necessarily epenthetically affect a preceding vowel. Thus gåt.;*, is pr. gāt"", in which the ā is not affected by the following secondary ü-mnātrā. In fact this secondary i-matra has exactly the same epenthetic effect as the a-mäträ from which it is derived, and is written a-mātri in this work. See $ 193.
235. Dardie ü. In this work the sound of ü is represented by a followed by ü-mālrā, in other words it is the sound of a epenthetically affected by . Thus kar", pr. kür, she was made ; baqa, pr. büds, great (fem.). The masculine forms of these words are kør“, pr. kor", and bad", pr. bod", respectively. As ü-mātrā represents an original i, Ü therefore represente ai. Thus kürt is for kairi, and büd for baidi. Cf. $6 126. 164.
236. Dardie 1. This Kāšmiri sound, which is more nearly the long form of ü than any other sound with which I am acquainted, is represented in the Nāgari alphabet by ü, with a mark above it to indicate that it is, what native grammarians call, a prasiddha. Thus
tür", coldness. Regarding its pronunciation see $ 108.
This letter occurs in one very common word süti or sütin, with, and also in a few other words of rarer occurrence, such as tiir", coldness; printsh, twenty-five; klir fem. of kūru. cruel : thükü, fem. of thük, attacked by the horns of any animal; güd" fem, of güd", foolish; and Kš. r dör, hate, past part. fem. dup, but maso. dute".
When ai or ö is followed by ü-mātrā or i it generally becomes i. Thus the base kait-, how much ?, has its fem. küts", its masc. sg. dat. kütis, and its masc. pl. nom. kait or Lüti; but masc. sg. nom. lur, see $ 232. Here we see that i is derived from ai, epenthetically affected by a following i. So sie', is for sahitē, through saiti ; and punts"is for pañcavimšati-through *pañcis, *paiñcis (cf. H. paitis, thirty-five, and $ 251). • In other cases Ti is derived from t subjected to similar epenthesis. This is quite plain in klip (for *krüriki), and is also evident in thüls and guda.
The derivation of tiir is perhaps from trgāriki, *tuhāriki. This word preserves the u through all its inflections, e.g., pl. nom. ture, and hence must have an independent derivation, unlike that of klits. Cf. K. Gr. 62.
In Kāšmiri Tatsamas, an original generally becomes ii, as in rüp. (rūpa-), form ; cüd (cüda.), a crest; stire (sürya-), the sun. On the other hand, in Tadbhavas it generally becomes
This distinction, however, is not always observed. (Soe $ 1936.)
In K%. dialects, ll is interchangeable with , i.e., with a followed by i-mātrā or ü-mātrā. Thus, in the villages we hear söt', written sati, for' with,' and köts", written kūts", for (fem.)
how much !' In such cases the nom. pl. of "köts is kāts in the villages, while the nom. pl. of küts is kaitse in the standard dialect. See $ 232.
The sound of li is also heard in the IAV. Western Pahāți, where it is evidently borrowed from Dardic. Thus, WPh. biihn, a sister, for bahini >.baihpi.
IAV. e. 237. IAV. or e-matra. This vowel occurs in place of final i in S., being written i, as in mehete, a mosque (S.Gr. x, and S.Gr.St. 10). When used in anaptyxis the i-sound apparently remains, see $ 213.
We also find e-matrā in WPh. (Padari), where it is evidently borrowed from Dardic. Thus the, they were: kol, beat, koefni (fem.), beating. In the latter case it is clearly an instance of epenthesis.
In Dardic, e-mātrā is found in Ks. Here it is only a substitute for a-mātrā in circumstances under which a becomes e. Thus, a becomes e after it, and accordingly batarawun, to cause to be, becomes bañ rāwun. It thus has exactly the same epenthetic effect as a-mātrā. See $$ 126, 164.