( $ 198
paríksā, a test parikkha
G.M. párakh, s. párakh", H.P.L.
EIAV. párakh, G. also párekh. rniríks-, see v nirikkh
IAV. nirakh.. rvihár-, rejoice rvihár
H. r báhal-. So H. (dialect of upper Döāb) sakári for sikári, a hunter ; mathái for mithái, a sweetmeat (CE. R. matthi, below.) WPh. (Inner Sirāji), saráj for siráj, N. of a tract of country ; katáb for kitáb, a book; NL. bamár for bimár, sick; P.8Ts. puróhat for puróhit, a priest. The change is common in G. and R., and is not unusual in S. Thus vicára-, consideration
STAR.(J.), NG. yvacár-, consider. vighatyatē, he is vigádhai, cf.
G. roagád., but H. rbigar.. marred
samgalai (Hc.
iv, 113) adhikam, more
G.sts, ádakü, but H, ádhik. vikasah, yawning
STs.G. bakás. káthinah, difficult
sTs.G. káțhan, S. kathan". But this change also occurs in accented syllables in R. And G., and also sporadically elsewhere. Thus sithilah, loose sádhilu
M. sádhal, S. dháro, B. dhálī, but
M. dhitá, G. dhilu, H. dhila, A. dhil, EPh. dhílo, and so on. Cf.
however Pr.Gr. 115. pindah, a body pindu
R. pand; G. pandē, bodily. dinah, a day dinu
R. dan. vinā, without
R.sTs. bánă. mistikā, sweet mitthia
R. mátthi, a kiss, others mitthi,
mithi, &c. vikrayah, sale
G.STs. vákro. v likh-, write r lih., Pr. Ts.
G.R. r lakh-, but others v likhrlikh
(cf. $ 59). r mil-, meet r mil
G. r mal., others v mil-. migam, & pretence misu
G. mas. And so many others, in all of which the remaining IAVs. preserve the i. No instance of this change has been noted by me in Dardio.
198.a . This occasionally happens in unaccented syllables, but, as in the case of a < i, is common in G. and R., and also in P. Thus - Skr.
Ap. vidyut, lightning víjjulia
H. bijali, but B. bijuli. múkutam, a tiara (M.Pr. máüdo) sTs.G. mugat, P. múkat. sákunaḥ, an omen ságunu
P.L. ságan. mánusaḥ, a man
R.sts. minakh. So G. mánas,
but H. mánus (<mánuşab). thálkurak, a chieftain thakkuru
R. thákar. puruşóttamah, N. P. (Cf. Pr. Gr. 8 124) G.8Ts. paresóttam.
So Ar. ma'lüm, G. málam. In EH. (Ch.) and B. (Bh.) the common LAV r botá- or butá., summon, occurs as batá..
The same change also occurs in accented syllables. Thus :kumárab, a prince M.Pr. kúnaro
R. kduar. (Pr. Gr. & 81).