Sc. 203, 213, 254
Tron chfield, Ann, Trenchfield, Elihu, Sc. 203, 204, 216, 217, 219-221, 226, 233-236, 238, 242, 247, 248, 254, 260, 261, 275 Trenchfield, Eliz. (m. of J. Scattergood) Sc. 213,
260, 262
Sc. 217
Trenchfield, Eliz. (s.) Trenchfield, J.
Sc. 238 Sc. 234
Trenchfield, Nanny,
Trepopilore (Tripalore) Sc. 220, 222, 230, 232 treta-yuga established in Jambudvipa 167 Triaga Romana (a mixture of common resin and
oil of turpentine) Sc. 276 Trikalinga, suggestion regarding the meaning of the name
Triparvata, of the Devagiri plates, identified with Halebid
80 Sc.. 211, 215
Triplicane.. Trivandrum plays, random notes on the 95-99,
Ts'ung-ling, mountains ..
Tu-huo-lo (Badakhshan and other petty chiefships)
Tukhara (the Tokhâristan and Badakhshan
districts of Afghanistan)
u, in M.I.A.Va. Ulúgh-rabát saddle
Una (Pashtu Upra), Aornos
upanisada, major...
111-118 88, 89
Encyclopædia Mundarica (book-notice) Turvasu, mythical progenitor of the Tuluva
Tugara (Tukhara)... Túzuk-i-Jahangirt, and Rao Maldeva tzierila (of Pelsaert), Hind. charild, moss tziurewarder (of Polsaert), Hind. cauńribarddr, carrier of the fly-switch
Tullie, Geo.
83, 124 Sc. 218
Tuluva co. (roughly modern S. Kanara) 7, 8, 10 Tuluva dynasty of Vijayanagara 1; and the Sâluvas .. 6, 10, 11 Tuluva-Araviti continuity in Vijayanagara 10 Tummâna, cap. of a Kalachuri k. 105-107; cap. of Daksina Kosala
Turkistan, Chinese Turner, Nath. Turner, R. L., M.C., M.A. A Comparative and Etymological Dictionary of the Nepáll Language
Upton, Ar...
Upton, Capt. Wm.
Uttara Kosala (Kosala, modern Oudh) Uttara Kuru, suggested identification Siberia
163, 164 84
Sc. 249, 259, 261
38 247
9, 10 124 29 159
I.A.V. 113-117
91 132
181, 185, 186
Sc. 256 Sc. 222 161
Uttara Kurus, and Kurus Uttara-Madras and Madras Uttararamacarita ...
Vachaspati Miéra, social history from the works of ..
Vajjada, k. of Konkana
Vajjuka, lord of Komo Mandala
Vandermersh (Dutch merchant) Vanga (E. Bengal).
14-17 102, 103 105, 106 103-106 220 77, 220
Vajrânkusa (demon prince)
Vakata, suggested identification with Bâgât Vakataka dynasty
Vakataka Era, and the Traikutaka or Cod: Era 220 Vakpati Muñja, patron of Padmagupta 101, 102, 107 Vakpatiraja (first Paramâra ruler of Mâlwa) Vallappa Dannayaka (s. of Dadiya Somaya Dannayaka, 1-4, Sc. 247 43, 44
43 43 43 106
122 122 37
Vanga-bhasa, connotation of the term Vanga-desa, connotation of the term Vangala, and Bongal Vankêévara, g., and the sage Vaiku Vanki Deva (historical personage mentioned in the Vardhapuraṇam) Vaňku (sage)
Van Sueterlin, Heer Herm. Vapour, Hen. (factor at Agra) Varada (co. of the Paradas) Varadas (Paradas) Varaguna I (Pandyan k.) Varaguna II (Pandyan k.) Vardhapuranam (Telugu work), and Saluva history Vardoj, riv.
4, 5, 9 82, 84 43
Varendra (Varendri Gauda N. Bengal) Vatadhanas (of Hindu geography), Prakrit Patahána, and modern Páthán
119 78
Vedanta philosophy, in the eighth century Vedanta system, and Mandakyopanisad 182, 188, 193 vernaculars, on the Modern Indo-Aryan I.A.V. 103-186 Versova, on Salsette isle... Sc. 254 Victoria lake (Great Påmir) 87, 88, 171 Viddhasdlabhanjiká, of Rajasekhara, historical data in
vidyd (and avidyd) meaning of, in 1topanisad
4, 11 103, 106. Sc. 269
159 125
.. 122 38 38
209-212 184
Vidyaranya, and the advaita School .. Vijayanagara history, dynastic continuity in 1-11
..1-3 ..4-6 6-10
Saluvas and Tuluvas Tuluva-Araviti.. Vikramdrjunavijaya of Pampa, on BaddigaAmoghavarea III
35, 36