August, 1933]
to tako charge of Agra, as senior factor, in conse. P. 30, n. 2. Professor Hodivala suggests that the quence of Houten's death.
reference is to Mungipattan on the Godavari, a place He appears to have como down again with a well known in history, and for a long time famous caravan in the spring of 1626. On 25 Feb. in that for its fine cotton fabrics. year & caravan reached Surat under Hendrick P. 33, n. 3, 4. Cashaer is probably for Kishtwar, Vapour ; on 23 March & second caravan followed, the district lying S. and SE. of the Kashmir valley. the factor in charge of which is not named ; and on Lamoo must be corrupt. It would be easy to read 19 April & return caravan started for Agra under Jamoe, i.e., Jammu, the district S. of Kishtwar, but Pelsaert and Vapour, so presumably it was Polsaert Jammu did not extend to the border of Kabul, who brought the second caravan.
which at this time was formed by the Indus. Alter. He loft Agra finally in the spring of 1627, after natively, the same may be a perversion of Lahor : making over charge of the factory to Vapour. A the Mogul province of that name, which included portion of his caravan teached Surat on 12 May, Jammu, lay 8. of Kashmir, and extended to the and a week later ho arrived in person, exceedingly border of the province of Kabul. ill. He must have spent the rest of the year in u. 6, 7. Poncie is Punch. Bangissa must be Gujaråt, and on 23 Dec, he sailed for Holland as
Bangash, now in Kohat and Kurram, classed in senior factor on the Dordrecht.
Jarrett's Ain (ii. 407) as a túmán, or subdivision, of It will be seen from these data that Pelsaert had Kahul. The correct name of its ruler at this time travelled gix times between Surat and Agra, and has not been found. that he had spent a yoar in all in Gujarat ; his
1. 9. No such names have been found to the N. oxperience was thus much wider than might be
of Kashmir. The first two strongly suggest the inferred by readers of his Remonstrantie.
villagos of Pampúr and Bijbrår, but these lay SE of Srinagar, for Jahangir (Memoirs, ii. 170, 171)
haltod at them on his way to the source of the This opportunity may be taken to place on record Jholum. Conceivably Pelsaert put them in the some corrections and additions to the information N. because he know that the general course of the given in Jahangir'a India, most of thom contributed river is from NE. to sw., and did not romember or suggested by Dr. L. D. Barnett, Sir Richard Burn, when writing that in Kashmir it flows from SE. Professor S. H. Hodivala, and Sir Walter Hose. to NW. INTRODUCTION. P. ix, 1. 10. For end of
1. 23. The larger river is the Jhelum, or Bihat. 1627' read 'spring of 1697'
Virnag is at, or near, its source : Achiauwel must P. x, 1. 23. Van den Broeke's diary shows that
be for Achibal, or Achval, described by Jahangir he landed at Surat on 4th October, 1620. P. xi. The facts given on this page can be supple.
(Memoirs, ii. 173): Matiaro may be for Watnár,
a short distance NE. of Virnag. Saluwara is pro. mentod from the foregoing note.
bably Jahangir's Shalamar (ii. 151); the stream TEXT. P. 3, note 2, and p. 57, n. 1. For Amil
from it flows into the Dal Lake, whence a channel read Hâkim.
runs through the city. P. 7, n. 2. In the MS. the words 'zelel' and 'tsey'
1. 29. Swindossaway is much altered in the MS.. are separated by a comma, but Professor Hodivala suggests that this may be a mistake, and that they
and it is impossible to say with certainty what the form ono name, jalálsai, of the same type as 'dy.
copyist finally intended; possibly it represents the sucksoy' or 'kissoresoy', given but not explained
spring above the Dal Lake which is properly named in Hobson.Jobson (8.0. Piece-goods): he explains
Chashma Shahi, and is a popular source of drinking. these forms as proper names followed by the Persian
water (Impl. Gaz. xv. 77). allix .dsd, like ', so that we should have Jalal.
P. 34, 1. 8. The stronghold is presumably the hill like ', Dilsukh-like ', . Kishore-like'
known as Hari Parbat, which was fortified by Akber Chaukhamba is the name of a mahalla in Benares,
(Impl. Gaz. xxiii. 99). and this may be the origin of tsookhamber', the P. 38, last line. Cantuwary must represent Professor would prefer to take the word as a per. Kishtwar, though the distance is much under-stated. version of charkhanas, or 'chocks, but the Dutch Jahangir wrote (Memoirs, ii. 138) that the saffron script of the time could scarcely be misread in this of Kishtwar was better than that of Kashmir (in way.
the narrow sense). P. 19, n. 1. Tzierila must represent Hind. P. 41, n. 2. For between Surat and the sea', chharild, which in Blochmann's Ain (i. 74) is given read 'two miles above Surat'. as a synonym for Persian ushna, a sweet-scented P. 42, 1. 13. The correct name of the Governor moss, used as an ingredient of the incense called was Jam Quli Beg (The English Factories in India, rihaf:d. Pipel is for pippali, long pepper.
1622-3, p. 211). P. 27, n. 2. For cassa in this passage, read caffa, P. 42, n. 1. The statement that Poleert had not 4 word used in contemporary Dutch for a kind of been in Gujarat for some years is incorrect, as velvet.
shown above.