Scattergood's Armenian agent João de Mattos also wrote to him from Malacca reporting that he had received 2000 canes by the Bonita, but as these had fallen in price, he had made a fresh agreement with Harris to defer payment, "solely to please you, although to my own loss." De Mattos repeated the substance of Chan Younqua's letter and remarked, regarding Scattergood's trading venture to Achin, as follows:
"Your worship may at your convenience regulate the quantity which you consider sufficient for the cargo of the sloop which according to your instructions has been equipped for the voyage to the said port of Achin, in which the Captain of the Chinese is to share in the manner which your Worship settled with him on the eve of your departure.
Touching your Worship's commission to me and to the said Captain of the Chinese to negotiate with the Malay captain for a quantity of tin which he could bring on his return journey, to be received and its value paid, the said Malay Captain assured me that he would use every effort to obtain as much as three hundred picos worth and more if possible. I understand that he will not break his word which he gave to me and the Captain of the Chinese, and on the part of your Worship, I will, whenever he desires it, offer the monoy required as security for this contract."
Two of the Company's ships, the Sunderland and the Essex arrived at Canton in 1719, and it was probably from one of these that Scattergood purchased, in October, wine and beer amounting to £129. An account of his petty expenses at this time is interesting, especially the final note.
Oct. 4th
Jany. 4th
Canton Novr. the 4th 1719. 2 -
Paid for a pair of slipers
Paid for washing some part of your linnen at Vampoe [Whampoa]
Gave your Chinee De Bash(1) per your order 1 Spanish dollar.. Gave washerman to buy soap to wash fowle cloths that came from aboard
Paid for washing your cloths when you first came up. Mr. Revet brought me the washerman and said he paid the same for washing Mr. Harnage's
Paid for black ribbon
Lent you 4 ducatoones to give Padre Peireras(2) scrvant
Paid for a chair(3) per your order ..
Paid for 1 mos. washing
Paid for a chair
Paid for a boat from Vampoe
Paid a Chinee man per your order
Gave the washerman to buy soap..
Paid the tayler for makeing the boys() cloths 7 rupees
Paid for a bed for him
Paid for shoes for Do.
Paid cooleys for bringing the Nankin ware from Chounquas
house and at severall other times
Gave the washerman to buy soap..
Paid for a chair
1 6
7 2
36 1
Paid Do. when you went to Padre Seru(")
Paid cooley per your order ..
Paid for a chair when you went to Padre Peireras to see the deer Paid the washerman for 1 mos. washing Paid for soap
6 4 2 10 9 4 4 8 2 Tales .. 15 7 6 Allowed all these items and carryed the ballance into the cash book.
Mallacca Account 8 rix dollars 4 sch. makeing tales
8 8